I know that whatever you try, you're sure to win through in spite of early difficulties.
There is also the chance of a lifetime for the talented teams who win through to the final.
A computer can win through brute force by taking opening moves that lead to a game it has already played out and won.
Don't try to slur over your weaknesses in English learning; only by facing up to them, can you win through in the end.
Renault's combination of off and on-road ability, plus a well thought out interior giving considerable versatility helped it win through.
We go to them in entire confidence. We leave them the better and the brighter, with a firmer step, and the determination to win through the difficulties.
He broke through the pain barrier at 25 kilometres and went on to win his first marathon.
"If you lose, think carefully about it, and if you win, just work harder," the young pianist said, "I still need to practise more to become better, to bring out the real beauty of classical music through the piano."
Through these and other modifications-all budget-neutral, at least in theory-he hopes to win enough support to get his bill passed through his committee.
Colonial people could win liberation only through Struggle.
[and] has allowed its competitors to win back much of the mind-share through ESB architectures and ever-richer BPM tooling.
Program Manager WIN-T's Commercial SATCOM Terminal Program at the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command in Fort Monmouth, N.J., made the award through the Worldwide Satellite Systems contract.
“Racing is something you cannot win unless you go through a period of sleeplessness and desperation and develop new technology in a very short period of time,” he says via an interpreter.
It will be hard, but this is a better way to win the argument against Hamas than the past year's vain efforts to make the Palestinians jump through verbal hoops they have come to consider humiliating.
The underlying theme is often one where a man has “fallen in love” with a woman, and then he goes through many herculean challenges to win her over.
The study, which looked at relationships in 13 countries, ranked British men as the third most likely to win women's hearts through their apparent commitment to domestic life.
What is at stake during the Group Stages is for us to show that we can go through. [Barcelona] have shown they can win it so, at the moment, it's too early to compare us to them.
Now you are left with a no-win decision: do you make the attribute understand your application's architectural tiers and call through to the service layer to do the validation?
We have a great opportunity to go through the group stages, and a great chance to win tomorrow after a good result in Dortmund.
He is working flat out, but with the staying power that helped him break records and win titles through a long and successful athletics career.
I believe that as long as both sides follow the spirit of mutual benefit and win-win outcome, a proper resolution can be found through friendly consultations.
I'm sure that Borussia Dortmund will beat Olympiacos at home, so if we win tonight we'll be through - let's take the opportunity we have.
The following chapters walk you through the steps she took to win the interview and a job offer.
History was made when fullback Alan Ameche punched through the line on a one-yard, game-winning touchdown after 8 minutes and 15 seconds of overtime to give the Colts a 23-17 win and the NFL title.
加时进行到8分15秒,历史诞生了,阿兰·阿米奇在最后一码内撞开防守者,触地达阵,最终助小马队以23 - 17赢得了NFL冠军。
They are not the first supermums to win a medal after going through labour.
A CEO that announces that he or she is going to reorganize the company's sales force and then follows through will win a certain amount of credibility.
A CEO that announces that he or she is going to reorganize the company's sales force and then follows through will win a certain amount of credibility.