In summer, it often rains heavily with strong wind in Southern China.
Bits of fluffy gently dance and are frolicly carried by the wind in the air.
The one on the left had dark eyes and a laugh on her lips, the wind in her hair.
The thing about candles and being outside is that you always have to keep wind in mind.
Because play with the wind in that moments is almost decisive, and I played really well.
Loken's boisterous delight in literature was as the wind in the sails of my literary adventure.
Only the shiver of wind in the trees and the tittering of rain on the thatched roof broke that eerie silence.
Examples - wind in trees, waves on a beach, water flowing over a waterfall, birds flying over head, moving clouds.
“Wind in the Willows.” My mother read this 101-year-old English classic to me, and I’m still in love with the characters.
About 600 miles of the Gulf Coast have been oiled, and a southerly wind in the coming days could mean more oil coming ashore.
I get woken up by bin lorries, the rush-hour traffic and my neighbours Shouting, instead of birdsong and the wind in the trees.
I heard the wind in my ears and felt the rhythm of swinging. In that moment I experienced complete freedom and sheer pleasure.
I can feel the light on my face, hear the wind in the leaves, smell the fragrance of the flowers - then I just press the shutter.
The second command, /usr/local/bin/search --config /usr/local/etc/sphinx.conf wind, found the substring wind in two part descriptions.
第二条命令 /usr/local/bin/search --config /usr/local/etc/sphinx.confwind在两个零件描述中找到了子字符串 wind。
But he seemed not to hear. Only the shiver of wind in the trees and the tittering of rain on the thatched roof broke that eerie silence.
The wind in the mountain was chilly smashing to our faces and the white petals of the pear flowers were scattered lightly on our bodies.
But if all goes according to plan, and the new turbine does not need such ministrations, it would put wind in the sails of far-offshore power generation.
Louis Friedman, executive director of the Planetary Society, says that the sails must be launched to test them, because there is no solar wind in Earth's atmosphere.
行星社执行官LouisFried man告诫道,太阳帆必须发射升空才能进行实验,因为在地球大气中不存在太阳风。
Imagine camping near a stream in the wilds. You can hear the soft wind in trees, a brook tinkling nearby, the evening song of birds: your mind expands and your body relaxes.
Every island has at least one energy accent: waves in Maui, wind in Lanai and Molokai, solar panels in Oahu and eventually, if all goes well, biomass energy from crops grown on Kauai.
They could be natural, fully realized vegetables in their ideal setting with the sun warming their leaves, the wind in blowing through their stems, rain gulped thirstily by their roots.
25Chinese women lay straw in a grid to prevent the sand from drifting in the wind in the desert of Baijitan Conservation Area near Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on July 17, 2010.
Japan's meteorological agency reported one good sign.It said the prevailing wind in the area of the stricken plant was heading east into the Pacific, which would help carry away any radiation.
On days like this I love to find a place where silence rules, where the wind in the tall 1 pine trees sounds like ocean waves crashing along some deserted beach I've walked along in my memory.
Japan's meteorological agency reported one good sign. It said the prevailing wind in the area of the stricken plant was heading east into the Pacific, which would help carry away any radiation.
The leaves rustled in the wind.
Recorded deaths of birds of prey and other birds in wind farms in the United States currently amount to no more than 300 per year.
Recorded deaths of birds of prey and other birds in wind farms in the United States currently amount to no more than 300 per year.