When I bowed my head to the ground, I felt a very strong wind pass by my head, and people started to yell at me.
The wind pass the wind-proof and suppressing wall is a typical porous media-fluid coupled flow, the porous medium model can show its working characters well.
However, among all the other populated continents, the all-changing wind of time seems to pass over Africa, leaving its face mainly unchanged for centuries or even millenniums.
Occasionally it was at a hillside we could be in sight of the yellow weasel-like beasts rushing quickly to pass through the narrow pathway. The mountain wind sent out gust and gust of dismal sound.
Just to pass the time of day with him — (shivers.) Like a raw wind that gets to the bone.
But even with the cold, the wind, and the barren, almost lifeless site, Cageao couldn't pass on the opportunity.
The East Wind locomotive will pass through Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Poland, Belgium and France, before it pulls into Hackney Rail Freight terminal in London's East End on Wednesday.
The phone of the wind roared past, I can hear you laugh the wind is very clear, if you can imagine, side occasionally pass by bicycle bell "bell" sound, it is a beautiful landscape.
Many years ago I am throwing over the time, goes against the wind to pass through Yan Ranshan.
Many years ago are throwing over the time, go against the wind to pass through Yan Ranshan.
Willow wind delivers spring the strategic pass.
The anticipation of destruction by fire, wind, or water was the association of a close pass of Venus with the passage of Planet X.
Don't let my words pass by your ears like the wind, because they are very important. They have a real, direct connection with today's problems.
They made music when the wind blew, so that one would not pass the flowers without looking at them.
It comes from the unknown upon us, and it behoves us to pass delicately and exquisitely upon the subtle new wind from heaven, conveyed like birds in unreasoning migration from death to life.
It thunders and the wind rushes screaming through the void. The night is black as a black stone. Let not the hours pass by in the dark. Kindle the lamp of love with thy life.
FL-7 is a continuous transonic wind tunnel, which is powered by three engines. Mach number is adjusted by the rotating speed of engines, the flexible wall nozzle and the by-pass valve.
First, the personnel pass in and out the workshop must change clothes, wash the hands , disinfection, and the wind drench the room to vacuum and so on steps.
When the wind gently touched my cheek and I pass by, the wisps cool tightly with my heart strings.
Live life to the fullest, Because you never know when your time pass with the wind.
Early morning is always said to myself, frosty wind and rain will pass, the road will not be long sorrow.
FL-7 is a continuous transonic wind tunnel, which is powered by three engines. Mach number is adjusted by the rotating speed of engines, the flexible wall nozzle and the by-pass valve.
FL - 7风洞是以三台航空发动机为动力的跨音速风洞,通过调节发动机转速、柔壁及旁路活门开度来实现对M数的控制。
You should not fart. It is really rude and vulgar to pass wind in public. If you really can't resist farting, then fart, but never forget to repeat saying "Excuse me! "lowly.
千万别放屁,在公共场合放屁是很粗鲁庸俗的表现,但是万一实在忍不住了,那就放,但记得不停低声说“Excuse me!
You should not fart. It is really rude and vulgar to pass wind in public. If you really can't resist farting, then fart, but never forget to repeat saying "Excuse me! "lowly.
千万别放屁,在公共场合放屁是很粗鲁庸俗的表现,但是万一实在忍不住了,那就放,但记得不停低声说“Excuse me!