You may need to maximize your window and resize the RESULTS pane.
The window pane shattered by a baseball, a lamp knocked over by a careless child, or a plate dropped in the kitchen are already broken.The flowers are already dead.
And she lifted the little cradle, with Thumbelina in it, and hopped out through the broken window-pane, down into the garden.
Save and re-open the module to see the structure reflecting in the module explorer (also called the left pane of the module window).
But from time to time a picture or a lamp bracket fell and smashed the window-pane.
If there are any errors, a message box indicating failure is displayed, and detailed errors are listed in the IBM message pane of the Output Window.
如果存在错误,就会显示一个指明故障的消息框,详细错误列于Out put Window的IBMMessage窗格中。
Note that there is a Viewing Window that helps you navigate and refocus the graphical view in the right navigation pane.
The Debug output pane (at far right) contains some output, though, and the variables TAB in the Debug window shows a list of variables.
Figure 13 shows the reference pane on the left-hand side of the editor window, containing all syntax arranged by library and class.
This file will provide the data for the hierarchical information in the left pane of the Eclipse help window.
The file doclet.toc.xml is referenced as being the table of contents for this plug-in; this file will provide the data for the hierarchical information in the left pane of the Eclipse help window.
文件doclet . toc . xml被引用为这一插件程序的内容目录;这个文件将为Eclipse帮助窗口的左侧面板中的分等级的信息提供数据。
In the preferences window that appears, the list in the left pane shows the default set of categories for which you can set preferences.
Click on the servers TAB in the lower pane of your Development Window to show the list of servers.
This structure is captured during the import operation and shown in the left hand pane of the Module window (see Figure 2).
In the Command Editor window, select the Connector folder in the upper left pane.
In the left pane of the New pop-up window, click Web services.
In the left pane of the New pop-up window click Web services.
Many a doctrine is like a window pane. We see truth through it but it divides us from truth.
After you initiate a search operation, be sure to investigate the Explorer pane on the left side of the window for ways to refine your search.
A beam of rose-colored light from a pane in the chancel window fell across his face, but he did not seem to see it.
In a huge double-pane window stands a phalanx of mannequins wearing official Canada shirts and exercise pants, hoodies, scarves, hats and mittens.
A projector beams the images onto the window pane from the inside of the shop, while a thin touch foil mounted on the glass powers the touch screen.
The carts go creaking through the crumbled snow, the chimneys puff their smoke, one very window pane, delightful fairy tracings show.
In each browser, a modal window opens and the collabform.html page appears in the pane.
在每个浏览器中,一个模式窗口打开,collabform .html页面出现在窗格中。
The source code is transformed into a temporary model (the left pane in the merge window), which lists all deltas between the temporary model and the original UML model.
源代码会转换为一个暂时的模型(合并窗口中的左边),它列出了暂时模型与原始 UML 模型之间的所有deltas。
Like the rain which is falling heavily on your window pane at the moment, we will rain the new information and the new joy upon you.
And she lifted the little cradle, with Thumbelina in it, and hopped out through the broken window-pane, down into the garden.
They make bunches of flowers, from flakes and wires of silver, that counterfeit the delicate creations the frost weaves upon a window pane.
I leaned against the door to inspect them, closely counting each one, my breath fogging up the window pane.
I leaned against the door to inspect them, closely counting each one, my breath fogging up the window pane.