Yahoo! Pager puts a small window on your screen containing a list of your "friends."
The famous translator Xu Yuanchong was sitting behind the window and staring at the computer screen.
The utility model provides a magnetic attractable suspensible soft frame screen window.
For example, if you choose only the resource option, a thumbnail window on resource usage appears on the screen.
Aggregation USES the concept of templates for window, screen, and component layout to allow for more flexibility when customizing.
Screen magnifiers provide an enlarged window of the screen, typically from 2 to 16 times the normal size.
To spread your desktop across multiple screens, make sure the root window bit depths are the same on every screen.
When this occurs using an emulator, the font size on the screen automatically changes so that the entire screen fits in the emulator window.
GIMP is a raster image editing application that also provides dialog, window, and screen capture capabilities.
After adding this ARIA tag, when the window opens, screen readers such as JAWS 10 will be aware of it and can read the message to the users.
This dialog enables you to specify whether you want to capture an image of the entire screen, a specific window or dialog, or a selectable region.
Why? When you instruct JVM to display an animation, JVM will clear the screen, show the window, paint the screen, and show it again.
Yup - they're all just darling until the day when you walk into your kitchen to find that one has gnawed through your window screen to make himself a snack of your tortillas.
Figure 2 shows a screen capture of the same window that was shown in Figure 1 but with a menu displayed.
Once the splash screen has disappeared, the main window for the Application Manager is displayed, as shown in Figure 6.
When the window opens, the screen reader cannot tell the user that there's a window open with a message on it.
Basically it checks to see if I'm using screen, and if so, it displays the current screen window value before my username, making it easy to keep track of where I am.
Screen capture of the Customer Order window. Order requests more items than are listed in the inventory.
Screen cap: Access_Lotus_DB - WSClientPX stage window showing the Stage tab selected and Web Service information completed
屏幕快照: Access_Lotus_DB-WSClientPXstage窗口显示了选中的 Stage选项卡和已完成的服务信息
Shutter is a powerful and easy-to-use dialog, window, and screen capture application with many custom and powerful capabilities.
If you mouse over a window in the preview screen, it appears at full size on your desktop and all other Windows become transparent — part of a feature called Aero Peek.
如果你的鼠标在预览屏中停留在一个窗口上方,它就会以全尺寸出现在你的桌面上,其他所有窗口会变的透明,这是一个被称为Aero Peek的功能之一。
You could hide all of that in a ThickBox window and use the screen real estate for something more useful.
You open a window on your computer's screen. You type in the name of a cheesy song from the 1980s.
Figures 14 and 15 show the ActiveX installation request screen and the certificate selection window.
Throughout this series, you've written (output) data using the print statement, which by default writes the expression as a string to the screen (or console window).
The window is displayed on the screen, and the application activates the main loop by calling gtk_main .
My mind felt thick, just like the window screen, and I felt weighted down and heavy, as if in a fog.
First you'll need to decide and specify if you want to capture the full screen, browser window, or a customized area.
Other useful features include a plethora of keyboardshortcuts for those who dislike mice and the ability to function as afull-screen terminal window to avoid distractions.
The wire mesh window screen was thick and kept the bright sunlight from entering my room.