The preferred drink in the U.S. is beer, accounting for 53 per cent of alcohol consumption, whereas in France the favourite drink is wine and in Russia it is vodka.
世界卫生当局发布的地图显示,美国人平均每年饮用纯酒7.5—10升。 美国人的首选饮料是啤酒,其占去酒类消费市场的53%;而法国人最爱的饮料是葡萄酒,俄罗斯人最喜欢伏特加。
Each additional drink increased the risk, and it did not matter whether the alcohol was red or white wine, beer or hard liquor.
Alcohol should be introduced into the relationship slowly, but if a drink or two takes the edge off, and wine adds romance it's fine.
There are potential negative health effects of long-term alcohol use, and the flavonoids found in red wine can be found in other food and drink like fruits and vegetables and grape juice, she said.
ABSTRACT: in essence, wine is just an alcohol drink, but its culture is extensive and profound.
A study of the effects of alcohol on the middle-aged and elderly found the average IQ of men who drink wine (whether made from grapes or rice) was 3.3 points higher than that of men who do not imbibe.
If you drink alcohol, a little red wine may be a heart-healthy choice. Resveratrol and catechins, two antioxidants in red wine, may protect artery walls.
Meantime, the market performance of wine industry is remarkable among all the alcohol drink processing industries, exceeding traditional white spirit industry and beer industry.
Drink and drive as a new occupation attracted attention, wine offspring driving services for alcohol car friend provides a relatively safe choice, also promoted the national road traffic safety law.
It says the mixtures tend to make people drink more wine than they should and the carbon dioxide carried in the beverage may worsen the harm the alcohol does to one's stomach.
Don't drown me in beer, alcohol or wine! Even one drink is too much for some people and could scar me for life.
Don't drown me in beer, alcohol or wine! Even one drink is too much for some people and could scar me for life.