The produced ratafee was light yellow in color and had transparent and clean wine body and mellow and soft taste.
Montes Classic Series wine body strong, fruity wine, representing the quality of Chile's extraordinary quality of wine.
Some of them were lixiviated from heels and core and some were produced in the fermentation, which made the wine body more soft and rich.
Tasting: Bright ruby red, intense BlackBerry flavor, slightly spicy wine body, has a very good sense of balance, Optimal Collocation: risotto.
With pleasant appearance such as clear and transparent wine body and enjoyable aftertaste, grape wine was in possession of aesthetic characteristics.
This wine wine degree is low, the wine body is limpid and transparent, wine bad smell is pure and mild, fragrance and nutrition with uniqueness nourish health care function.
This wine body some partial light, temperature not timely a remarkable acidity, so need in freezer (ordinary box) of placing 8-10 minutes after open a bottle of drinking cool again.
这款酒酒体有些偏淡,温度不合适时会有明显的酸度,故而需要在冰箱(普通箱)中放置8 - 10分钟降温后再开瓶饮用。
The fermented wine obtained by the invention has bright colour, mellow wine body and moderate mouth feel and keeps the special taste and the specific active substances of the snow lotus fruit.
His Pinot Grigio Ramato was a standout, not what people have come to expect from this grape: a copper colored wine with lots of fruit, body and spice.
他酿制的Pinot Grigio Ramato远近闻名,这不是人们慕名而来的葡萄:这是一种铜色葡萄酒,以多种水果和香料调和酿制而成。
She drinks from a wine glass, or a short glass, which is held firmly in a barrier position across the body soas to deter intimate approaches.
She drinks from a wine glass, or a short glass, which is held firmly in a barrier position across the body so as to deter intimate approaches.
An expensive wine may well have a full body, a delicate nose and good legs, but the odds are your brain will never know.
Body - That quality in a wine which gives it the appearance of consistency and vinous strength.
Thin. Term applied to a wine deficient in alcohol, extract and colour, which lacks of body.
Schels agrees: "We'd come back here in the evening, after a day when we'd maybe been to a funeral and shot pictures of a dead body, and we'd sit here crying and drinking whisky and wine."
With pure and transparent body, elegant and charming curves, she has captured countless wine collectors' hearts.
The red wine has full body with black pepper character and moderate tannin content.
A portion of the blend went through malolactic fermentation, adding a silkiness and body to the wine.
As we know, too much food or wine is not good for our body, but as long as the cline feels happy, no one will care too much of their body.
Merchants speak of a 'full' wine or wine with body, as opposed to a light, cold, or thin wine.
Merchants speak of a 'full' wine or wine with body, as opposed to a light, cold, or thin wine.