The viscous flow between the wing-tip and the wall is simulated by solving the RANS equations of incompressible fluid.
It looks as if someone wrenched a wing off a large jetliner and perched it, tip up, atop a trailer hitch on the boat's middle hull.
Compared to the typical wing used today, the SUGAR Volt wing is longer from tip to tip, shorter from leading edge to trailing edge, and has less sweep.
Missile carrying on the wing tip causes the wing structure design and analysis to face many challenges, such as structural vibration response and aeroelastic response.
The aviator warped a wing tip to regain balance.
The aviator warped a wing tip to regain balance.
It had the exact same shape a B-2 except the tail of the craft cut straight across from wing tip to wing tip.
除了它的工艺完全相同的尾巴形状的B - 2直切断翼尖到翼尖跨越。
The flow field of the wing tip vortex, which shed from a rectangular wing, is surveyed by a seven holes probe in a low speed wind tunnel.
Tip vortex goes downstream outward along the span direction, and the induced drag of the wing decreases.
The 'Waverly' is a stylish and classic wing tip that every man should have in their shoe collection.
Both theoretical and experimental analyses are performed to investigate the limit cycle flutter bifurcation of a sweepback wing with an external store in the tip of the wing.
Woman on the wide and narrow shoes, shoes on the face, prominent wing tip, both sides of the green flowers, the shape of the end of high pile of wood boat shoes.
The formula for calculating the landing work, displacement at the wing tip, the shears and bending moments of the wing of a flexible airplane are also given.
And one of those lights, slightly brighter than the rest, will be my wing tip passing over.
In the experiment, a simplified aircraft model (with tail wing) is employed to construct a 4-vortex wake system consisting of a pair of tip vortices and a pair of counter rotating tail plane vortices.
Most part of the supercritical wing with equal chord and high aspect ratio is provided with 2-D flow characteristics approximately except wing tip.
In the paper, as an example by some type low speed twin-engine airplane, theoretical research and analyses about the effect of the tip unit of a sheared wing on airplaneroll performance are conducted.
In the paper, as an example by some type low speed twin-engine airplane, theoretical research and analyses about the effect of the tip unit of a sheared wing on airplaneroll performance are conducted.