According to What Technology Wants, a book by Kevin Kelly, one of the founders of Wired magazine, America's flintknappers produce over a million new arrow and spear heads every year.
On the other hand, the transparent linking of wired and wireless networks is an unsolved problem.
Snap decisions can be important defense mechanisms; if we are judging whether someone is dangerous, our brains and bodies are hard-wired to react very quickly, within milliseconds.
The Internet lets millions of wired people work from home; now, with widespread WiFi, many have cut the wires and left home to work where they please.
It has been wired into millions of music boxes, greeting cards, watches, toys, games and other tune-playing products.
In times of emotional turmoil, remember that emotions arise because your senses are wired to the primitive part of your mind which is self-regulated, autonomous and spontaneous.
WLAN and wired Ethernet, however, differ significantly at the link layer.
Intelligence built into the patterns supports feeding parameters across images so that custom nodes, deployment managers, and IHS nodes are all wired together and started in the correct order.
The services and references are wired together, made visible, and published to the outside world by promotion.
Whatever either of them may have taken, they have given back enormously, not only in the wired and now unwired world they helped to create, but also in their generosity with their billions.
Figure 1 is an example of system assembly; it illustrates how sub systems and modules are wired using services and references.
A WLAN communication system ACTS as an alternative to wired LAN and is generally used within a building.
Now they can very quickly and very easily add wired and wireless networking to their products.
Like Ms Armstrong, he farms out advertising sales and administration to a firm called FM, launched last year by John Battelle, who once ran magazines such as Wired and the Industry Standard.
和阿姆斯特朗女士一样,马力克把博客的广告销售和管理工作交给了一家叫做FM的公司。 FM公司是去年刚刚成立的,其创立者约翰.巴特勒曾经营过《有线》和《工业标准》杂志。
Process is assembled and wired using the service and other IT components.
With WIRED and The New Yorker we were able to do that because designers were familiar with Adobe's creative tools.
The proliferation of wired and wireless devices means that multiple addresses will be required for every person who USES the Internet.
PC World points out a web-based reaction test that can actually be used to measure response times between wired and wireless mice.
The nomination from Wired has been dismissed by some as a publicity stunt —and the support of long-time Wired columnist and investor Nicholas Negroponte is hardly surprising.
With ubiquitous broadband, both wired and wireless, more consumers will turn to the celestial jukebox of music services that offer every track ever made, playable on demand.
These elements define various clustering parameters controlling how the underlying WADI's components are wired and set-up upon application deployment.
The nomination from Wired has been dismissed by some as a publicity stunt - and the support of long-time Wired columnist and investor Nicholas Negroponte is hardly surprising.
Now that almost everything is wired and all kinds of services are offered online, machines and software need to be able to interconnect.
Psychologists wired men and women up to a machine called a "psycho-galvanometer" for tests.
Getting "business guru" Chris Anderson, the editor of Wired magazine and author of Free!
There are two kinds of home networks, wired and wireless.
You don't feel all wired and jittery.
You don't feel all wired and jittery.