As recent graduates can testify, the job market isn't kind to candidates who can't demonstrate genuine competence, along with a well-cultivated willingness to work hard.
Computer competence will approach 100% in US urban areas by the year 2005, with Europe and Japan not far behind.
Many of the assignments and rules teachers come up with, often because they are pressured by their administrators, treat pleasure and joy as the enemies of competence and responsibility.
At least three years' study would be necessary to achieve the literacy competence necessary to grapple with the material she analyzes.
Both were essential and neither was superior to the other; they were not in conflict but complementary, each with its own sphere of competence.
He is just family charisma, not coupled with wit or competence.
This varies somewhat with the segment or domain; however, it's important in that there is no quick fix for lack of experience and competence.
A. they have more to do with behavior and culture than they do with competence and expertise.
It replaces old forms of subjugation with new ones - the tyranny of competition, of competence, of drive and ambition, of education.
The Community ACTS listed below are illustrative of the Community's sphere of competence in accordance with the provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Community.
We are confident that, with your wisdom and competence, this Assembly will be a complete success.
The idea behind administrative regulation is that agencies hire experts to deal with technical issues that Congress has neither the competence nor the time to resolve.
One possibility is that people's looks do actually correlate with their competence and it's that association that the participants in this study were tapping into.
Third, industrial policy works best when a government is dealing with areas where it has natural interest and competence, such as military technology or energy supply.
IF DAVID CAMERON is loathed by voters but grudgingly credited with economic competence, can he win the next general election?
Personal knowledge forms the enterprise competence only when it can be integrated into enterprise knowledge and tied with other resources, and therefore affects the competition status.
This combination of willingness and sensitivity requires modern Arabian horse owners to handle their horses with competence and respect.
Intercultural communicative competence refers to the subject's ability to effectively communicate with people of different cultural identities.
The aim of the reform is to cultivate, consolidate and improve the core competence of target enterprises with the techniques of supply chain design, advanced manage-rial method and employee training.
The authors avoid proposing a grand "unified model of competence", but instead provide strategies for improvement using the models, concluding with.
However, attractive women did not face the same problem because being pretty is not associated with competence among female stereotypes.
Ericsson's major competence structure and strategic investment in global media and network industry will be introduced, together with service plan in Chinese market.
With Hamel, G., "the Core Competence of the Corporation", Harvard Business Review, may-june 1990.
与加里•汉莫尔合著“公司的核心竞争力”,哈佛商业评论,1990年5 - 6月刊。
The Supply Service deserves great credit for its cooperation and competence, but personnel intimately connected with the blood program could not accept this concept of handling whole blood.
While in our employ, his overall performance was outstanding. He demonstrated a fairly high level of competence in his work, and worked extremely well with people.
Core competence is a capability with extension and customer value not easy to imitate and exchange.
Corporate environmental performance and strategic tendency correlate with its competence.
Corporate environmental performance and strategic tendency correlate with its competence.