Though we treat our established trees with kid gloves, it is amazing what you can get away with to bring new trees into a garden.
If you see him angry, do your best to handle the man with kid gloves - otherwise he can bite your head off.
The parents treat their spoiled son with kid gloves.
Mary can be a bit moody and you have to learn to handle her with kid gloves.
He was in his usual travelling costume, as fine asa fiddle, with silken vest, a dress coat of the last fashion, immaculate white kid gloves, and a pair of French varnished boots.
He was in his usual travelling costume, as fine as a fiddle, with silken vest, a dress coat of the last fashion, immaculate white kid gloves, and a pair of French varnished boots.
He was in his usual travelling costume, as fine as a fiddle, with silken vest, a dress coat of the last fashion, immaculate white kid gloves, and a pair of French varnished boots.