With a few exceptions, an oral agreement is enforceable but will often be hard to prove.
This is in part because food retailing, with a few exceptions, is still a local industry.
With a few exceptions (browsers come to mind), DOM is a horrible object model to work with.
Most traditional chemotherapy is generally ineffective against kidney tumors, with a few exceptions.
With a few exceptions, abbreviations and acronyms should not be used in element, attribute, and type names.
The extraction filter template file looks similar to a standard extraction filter file with a few exceptions.
With a few exceptions, such as computers, what is produced and consumed is assumed to be of constant quality.
However, with a few exceptions, the overall business process is similar for all customers who use the same store.
End users deal almost directly with the data, and there are no fixed workflows (with a few exceptions here and there).
With a few exceptions, the technique for building a skyscraper is similar whether you are in Europe or you are in Singapore.
With a few exceptions, the technique for building a skyscraper is similar whether you are in Europe or you are in Singapore.
With a few exceptions, Coca-Cola owns no bottling plants or retail stores, leaves the profit from these operations to be made by others.
At last I found a school that I thought was the best to reach my goal; I had come to America. With a few exceptions everything was in English.
He had no faith in progress or people: "in the depths of my heart I can't help being convinced that my dear fellow men, with a few exceptions, are worthless."
With a few exceptions, NTP budgets do not include the costs associated with using general health system resources, such as staff and infrastructure for TB control.
It began to define its business as "search, ads and apps", where the apps (applications), with a few exceptions, run on the web and are accessed through a browser.
Eucalyptus supports Amazon's interface syntactically and it implements the same functionality (with a few exceptions), but internally it is almost certainly different.
With a few exceptions of men who treat their cars as their first love, most of the male drivers tend to drive their vehicles in the same speed even when they cross speed bumps.
In the Middle Ages about one in ten Europeans could read; today, with a few exceptions, such as India and parts of Africa, the global rate is comfortably above eight out of ten.
Though intensely studied, the quakes have baffled scientists for decades — with a few exceptions, strong earthquakes occur exclusively where tectonic plates are grinding past one another.
In a paper due out this year in the journal Emotion, Mr. Kraus and his co-authors, Cassy Huang and Dr. Keltner, report that with a few exceptions, good teams tended to be touchier than bad ones.
These and other developed nations will continue to account for the vast majority of product and service sales over the next decade, with a few notable exceptions, like China.
The main function of this script looks basically the same as the previous example with a few minor exceptions.
He could stay on as chairman: it is a good role for a founder, especially one who has had (with a few notable exceptions) a record of appointing smart lieutenants.
He could stay on as chairman: it is a good role for a founder, especially one who has had (with a few notable exceptions) a record of appointing smart lieutenants.