Is it because you didn't cook enough rice, so that everyone had to chant with an empty stomach?
Have a light meal before coming for treatment, especially Acupuncture. Do not over eat or come with an empty stomach.
Nowadays, young people don't have a good dietary habit. They eat irregular meals and often go to work with an empty stomach.
To be a hit on the farm, any new varieties will have to have decent yields: a hypothetical cancer risk pales in comparison with an empty stomach.
While global food production has expanded to satisfy the nutritional needs of every person in every country, hundreds of millions go to bed every night with an empty stomach.
If you need iron supplements take them on an empty stomach before bed rather than with meals or other mineral supplements to ensure you absorb as much as you need without compromising other nutrients.
Every morning, on an empty stomach, drink 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 1 teaspoon of maple syrup mixed in 12 ounces of warm water.
More advanced methods of pranayama (alternate nostril breathing) need to be practiced with an experienced practitioner. practicing on an empty stomach is preferred.
专业的调息的方法练习(交替鼻孔呼吸法)需要在有经验医师的指导下进行。 空腹练习为宜。
The drugs do not work on an empty stomach, so patients have to use the dung - mixed with water - instead of food, the activists say.
For example, some medicines you will be given should only be taken on an empty stomach, while others need to be taken with food.
Take two to three grams twice per day on an empty stomach, along with several glasses of water.
每天空胃两次各2 ~3克的摄入量,伴随几杯清水。
As a dietary supplement, take 2 capsules 1 to 2 times daily with meals or on an empty stomach.
作为日常膳食补充,每天随餐或是空腹2粒胶囊,一天1 - 2次。
If I do not love you: I will not look like choke with sobs last night, will not be able to eat meal because of these, with had an empty stomach suffers itself!
One or two teaspoons twice a day, preferably between meals on an empty stomach with a small amount of water (2 tablespoons).
Non-Training Days: If desired, mix 1 stick pack or less (depending on your tolerance) with 4-6 oz cold water and consume on an empty stomach.
Non-Training Days: If desired, mix 1 stick pack or less (depending on your tolerance) with 4-6 oz cold water and consume on an empty stomach.