Once you start seeing them, the world--which can look so dull, so empty of interest--will gather before your eyes and become thick with meaning.
Everything was good, well made, and little worn, but Amy's artistic eyes were much afflicted, especially this winter, when her school dress was a dull purple with yellow dots and no trimming.
I couldn't fathom his interest, but he continued to stare at me with penetrating eyes, as if my dull life's story was somehow vitally important.
He looked up with dull, fearful eyes as Judith returned a third time, sweeping her sword in a broad stroke aimed at the top his helmet.
"In my eyes, paleontology is not a dull subject that only deals with old rocks. Instead, it studies our past by examining the fossils of ancient life forms, " Bai says.
"Why didn't you stay with them?" I couldn't fathom his interest, but he continued to stare at me with penetrating eyes, as if my dull life's story was somehow vitally important.
At some point, you fall out of the habit of exploring the world with new eyes and get stuck in routines that seem to dull the mind.
Sick birds often appear tired, with fluffed up feathers and sunken. Dull or half - closed eyes.
When Sue awoke the next morning she found Johnsy with dull, wide-open eyes staring at he drawn green shade.
Apply to: people who operate computers with over-worked eyes and some with dark circle, dull and droopy eye skins.
Apply to: people who operate computers with over-worked eyes and some with dark circle, dull and droopy eye skins.