In Mandarin, with English subtitles.
Has this been? Released in the USA yet with English subtitles?
Cinema Paradiso is in Italian with English subtitles and is unrated but suitable for all ages.
I started to watch them in English with Italian subtitles, then with English subtitles and, now, I watch them without subtitles!
You can view some of INCEF's films with English subtitles so that you can see how stories are being used to save lives in central Africa.
Second, watch the scene with English subtitles. Pause. Use a dictionary to find new words you don't understand. Write the new sentences in a notebook.
And next time you're Netflix-binging, browse for foreign films that you can watch with English subtitles, or re-watch a favorite show with overdubbed audio.
Before applying, Rights Holders must guarantee the availability of such material in both original version with no subtitles, and original version with English subtitles.
This collaboration is on display as the festival showcases a number of Chinese-language movies -- in Mandarin, Cantonese and other dialects -- nearly all with English subtitles.
The most expensive type of course, because they wouldn't like to disappoint foreigners, but at least it meant we got there in 3 1/2 hours and watched a film with English subtitles.
So watch a DVD of an English-language film with Chinese subtitles. Then, a week or so later, watch the film again with the subtitles covered up.
This program will be conducted in Chinese. The movie will be in Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles.
Watch it a second time with the English subtitles on and see how much more you can understand.
In Cantonese or Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles.
Watch the scene again with the subtitles in English and pause to add new words and expressions.
The recording whose authenticity can't be verified was also issued in versions with English and German subtitles.
Broadcast in English with Mandarin subtitles, the MGM channel Asia brings to the television viewing audience a 24-hour movie channel with great selections from the world's largest modern film library.
You don't need to be able to understand every word to understand what is happening in a movie. Turn on the English Subtitles to help with understanding - this is a great way to practice reading also.
要了解电影情节你其实并不需要很清楚的知道每个单 词,但附上英语对白的话能帮助你更好的理解,这也是锻炼你阅读的一个很好的办法。
Now I feel as though I need some English 27)subtitles to help me with those names.
Then, a couple of days later, watch the piece again - this time with subtitles in English.
Turn on the English Subtitles to help with understanding-this is a great way to practise reading also. Choose movies that you are more likely to be able to follow.
Turn on the English Subtitles to help with understanding-this is a great way to practise reading also. Choose movies that you are more likely to be able to follow.