I rode my bike all around the area with freedom and had a gaggle of kids to play with.
It helps the attackers relax and play with freedom when we know we're unlikely to concede.
In the beginning man was innocent of sin and was endowed by His Creator with freedom of choice.
Marriage is a lottery ticket. A man make bets with freedom, a woman with own happiness as a bet.
They do not spurn material progress but want a greater share of it-along with freedom and equality.
This however is a merely external necessity, not the real inward necessity which is identical with freedom.
His words are memorized by America's schoolchildren, and his name is synonymous with freedom and unity.
But you must hold that the Key is that which to be with freedom of humanity from the illusions of its fear.
In contemporary, the word "equality" has dialectical relation with freedom, and is linked closely to dignity.
This handbag is the perfect reflection of European and American style with freedom and independence features.
Mila and Oa have associated the appearance of butterflies or moths into their life experience with freedom and magic.
If one has a dialogue with freedom it cannot possibly exist within the boundaries of memory, knowledge and experience.
Along with freedom has come risk for Chinese women, as powerful cultural traditions that value men over women return in force.
Martha dreams of a new type of life, the essence of which is freedom that is identical with freedom stressed by Existentialism.
The difference between workers and poets is that workers follow orders and pre-arranged procedure, while poets create with freedom.
But the university accepted it needed to revise its policy for dealing with Freedom of Information requests, which it has now done.
Remember that to change thy opinion and to follow him who corrects thy error is as consistent with freedom as it is to persist in thy error.
Unfortunately, these laws interfere with freedom of contract and there are strong reasons for thinking they will make things worse, not better.
It signifies a world where the salvation of humans would take place in and is filled with freedom, peace, justice and mercy that lasts forever.
Some people warned, as Gaddafi himself did, that the Libyan people could not be trusted with freedom, that without Gaddafi there would be chaos.
Elizabeth received her congratulations amongst the rest, and then, sick of this folly, took refuge in her own room, that she might think with freedom.
So, let's begin to examine whether Aristotle is right, and in particular, whether his teleological way of thinking about justice is at odds with freedom.
You will undoubtedly have been informed about it prior to incarnating, and with freedom of choice it is possible to awaken to the truth in time to ascend.
Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as shall be defined by law.
Turning more public hospitals over to non-profit bodies, with freedom to hire and fire and link pay to performance, would increase the system’s efficiency, he adds.
Turning more public hospitals over to non-profit bodies, with freedom to hire and fire and link pay to performance, would increase the system’s efficiency, he adds.