With further training, the two teams are expected to be an international faculty with new idea of teaching, awareness of self-management, good communication skill and open to different opinions.
They will make no further updates to the model, provide no additional assistance with training and appraisals, and transition to a new appraisal process.
For most of my career I have worked principally with individuals, but some time ago I decided to undertake five further years of specialist postgraduate training in "marital psychotherapy".
Further, a hybrid BP algorithm with dead interval of error is derived for training the neural classifier in order to increase training speed and classification accuracy.
And it gave the Suggestions about improving the training and propaganda before the evaluation with the further disposals of the evaluation information and making USES of the evaluation results.
The RLI will cooperate with each Division in providing faculty training and ultimately training others to train further faculty members.
Singapore SingHealth CEO, Prof Tan Ser Kiat, led a 6 - member team to Fujian to further discuss the training requirements with both Xiamen Health Bureau and Fujian Provincial Health Bureau.
If you seek comprehensive training with interactive lessons, proven tips and tricks, and advanced techniques - look no further!
All of them received routine treatment, further more, the early rehabilitation group were treated with systematic rehabilitation training by professional physiotherapists.
With the improved training method, proper scheduled training programs and training time, it is possible to further improve the knowledge degree of the enterprise staff, which could be favorable…
Only if we provide teachers with quality education priorly, and lay stress on their training and further education, c…
Kennedy prisoners Europe, Germany and Germany said that the trainees have completed a training programme with the cells can be further training of prisoners.
These changes reflect good effectiveness of the training. However, compared with elite players in similar events, BF% of these subjects are still higher and should be further decrease…
These changes reflect good effectiveness of the training. However, compared with elite players in similar events, BF% of these subjects are still higher and should be further decrease…