Zech Hipp was doing it with great difficulty.
The Quarren lived in the depths, only surfacing on rare occasions and with great difficulty.
A temporary rudder was made on board from spare planks and it was fitted with great difficulty.
I am a keeping that young man from harming of you at the present moment, with great difficulty.
The buffalo then tried to lift itself up, with great difficulty, and after some time managed to get on its feet.
We're not only what we eat, we are essentially what our ancestors - with great difficulty - 'learned' to eat.
If they come from civil-law countries, like France, they may be prosecuted-though with great difficulty-back home.
Mindful of the secret, Darnay with great difficulty checked himself, and said: 'You may not understand the gentleman. '
Fang Daqiang is away from home frequently, comes back with great difficulty one time, the elder sister younger brother specially is happy.
They did not like to talk about what had happened to their loved ones, and it was only with great difficulty that I dug stories out of them.
Other souls which follow God best and are likest to Him succeed in seeing the vision of truth and in entering into the outer world with great difficulty.
As it had to carry two people at the same time, the donkey gradually stepped breathlessly with great difficulty, with its legs shaking staggeringly.
The criteria for determining the fault of the judicial practice is the frequently encountered problems, with strong operational, with great difficulty.
Hang down by the fore-chains so low, as that with great difficulty I got hold of it, and by the help of that rope, got up into the forecastle of the ship;
Along with the deepened exploration degree continuously, the stratigraphic and lithologic subtle reservoirs with great difficulty in exploration are becoming the first choice now.
The distortions between environmental and economic benefits, not only threatens the different regions and different groups of harmony, ecological environment protection faces with great difficulty.
Americans have great difficulty understanding foreigners who always want to be with another person who dislikes being alone.
"They have great difficulty with that," Rabbi Goldwasser went on, "and they say to me, 'But isn't it true that by fasting you get atonement for your SINS?"'
“They have great difficulty with that, ” Rabbi Goldwasser went on, “and they say to me, ‘But isn’t it true that by fasting you get atonement for your sins?’
One difficulty with direct methods is that the designer spends a great deal of time focusing on the velocity distribution; the geometry is secondary.
My Lord, I have good news on that score. I have — with difficulty, and after great effort — suceeded in placing an Imperius Curse upon Pius Thicknesse.
Results show that EFL learners, even at the advanced proficiency level, have great difficulty with high frequency function words, such as TO and FOR.
The main tourist resources of Puyang are historical and cultural with the characteristics of having great potential and difficulty to exploit.
With no 3 point threat and no low post threat, the Rox will have difficulty scoring, even if McGrady has a great game.
The Dayukou project met with a great difficulty in deciding on the source of secondary rock.
It is conceivable the great difficulty this country with limited resource and surrounded by nations inimical to it has conquered, with this spirit Singapore is able to remain its unique vitality.
It is conceivable the great difficulty this country with limited resource and surrounded by nations inimical to it has conquered, with this spirit Singapore is able to remain its unique vitality.