In other words, surround the link with descriptive text.
If you're putting keywords on your pages but not building links to those pages with good link text, you're hurting your chances at ranking as a means to increase organic site traffic.
With this information, the tiny cloud can display the file name with a hyperlink or as plain text without a link.
This test case will fail at assertion because the results page contains no link with this text.
If you help a charity, there is a good chance that in return they will respond positively to a request for a link, with the anchor text of your choosing.
The actual note itself is just a small box with standard text and a link that enables the user to edit the text later, as seen in Figure 2.
Not only should your links use keyword anchor text, but the text around the links should also be related to your keywords. In other words, surround the link with descriptive text.
This method searches the entire page content for an object of Link class with the text AAAAPlace_721134315 and returns the object to be acted upon.
On the results page, the code first checks if there is any link with the text HttpUnit Home.
在结果页面上,代码首先检查是否有一个链接的文本是HttpUnit Home。
For users who want to do a bit more with their text (link, underline, italicize, HTML headers, etc.), offers support for the Textile markup language.
对于想给文本添加格式(链接、下划线、斜体等)的用户,TXT . io提供了文本标记语言支持。
When the customer clicks the link, the page makes the Ajax request to get the new content and replaces the anchor text with the content.
And your test can click on a link with particular text that appears after other text.
You’ll see an info text like “Last account activity: 0 minutes ago on this computer” with a Details link.
By putting text inside of the link and moving it off the screen with text-indent in CSS, you get the benefit of usability without having the text overlay on top of the image.
The template itself displays the text of the CDA entry, extracted from the cache created earlier using the ID associated with the original click event (the ID of the original anchor link).
The primary goal in this study is to semantically link ink data with underlying document elements like text and images, accurately locate lines position and build a foundation for future applications.
此项研究的基本目标是把底层文档元素(如文本、图片等)和线条进行相互联系,实现线条的准确定位并为今后更多的应用打下基础。 has a link to the Prototype Global text Library, with two books on information systems and economic analysis.
Global Text.org和全球教科书图书馆的原型间有一个链接,在那个图书馆中有两部关于信息系统和经济分析的书。
The CSS file included with Customize me Now 1.0 renders most link elements in underlined red text that changes hue when you hover over it.
随Customize MeNow 1.0一起包含的CSS文件会以加了红色下划线的文本呈现大多数链接元素,当鼠标悬浮于其上时,这类文本会变化颜色。
The link with rel="alternate" type="text/html" gives the readable version of the site as an alternative representation.
带有 rel="alternate"type="text/html"的link作为替代表示给出了站点的可阅读表示。
Now in order to actually see the quote on the screen, you need to link the text field outlet in the class with a text field control in your XIB file.
Not open to others to send a network link, if from a friend's text messages, QQ, WeChat and other hair, must first confirm with my friends.
Actually 3d map is not really hard to change, it's basically replace the text with image, the link to specific store category still the same.
The following code example displays the "Register" or "Site Admin" link with no text in before or after parameters.
Displays previous and next post links in the format with the text before the post title not shown as a link.
The text that you specify provides assistive technology devices with a description of the hidden skip link image that can be used to make the control more accessible.
Linking to sites with poor reputation, linking to good sites gone bad, image links (with or without ALT text) are also some common link building mistakes you should avoid.
Linking to sites with poor reputation, linking to good sites gone bad, image links (with or without ALT text) are also some common link building mistakes you should avoid.