With money tight, patients are opting for quicker, less invasive treatments over major procedures, Forbes. com reported recently.
With money tight, some home-owners have, not surprisingly, decided to do it for themselves, with several stores reporting a boom in sales of home accessories to frustrated would-be movers.
By Spring 2010, with money running tight and options fading, we started searching for potential buyers of the company.
It means juggling money to stay out of debt rather than simply paying with a credit card. It means finding a cheaper alternative when money is tight.
Money was tight for my family, with our assets locked up in Iran, so I took my sister's place rather than waste the investment.
Optimists argue that America's economy is coping well with rising interest rates, but it hasn't really sniffed tight money yet.
No one is arguing for a return to the 1930s, with proposals for balanced budgets and tight money in the face of depression.
Once the money market turns tight and the interest rate rise, the housing market may be beset with crises.
He's a bit tight with his money; definitely not the sort of man you can touch for a few Bob.
As I get older and my friends start having kids, I've been getting more and more questions about how to make a little money online to help out with a tight household budget.
People sometimes worry that they have to lay out an air-tight case when asking for more money, but it doesn't always have to be a long speech with evidence about your worth.
But the recession, combined with falling oil prices and the Federal Reserve's tight control of money and credit, helped to curb runaway inflation.
But the recession, combined with falling oil prices and the Federal Reserve's tight control of money and credit, helped to curb runaway inflation.