He seemed to kill for no reason, and with no emotion, as if taking someone's life meant nothing.
There are generally two writing types in Chinas poems on things: one is poems purely on things with no emotion to commit, the other is poems with something to commit.
"I gave my youth to sport," she told TIME over the phone, in a voice thick with emotion, "but in return, I was thrown out like garbage with no knowledge, no skill and a barren womb."
Hope indicate that we can wake up with a positive emotion no matter what happened yesterday even last second.
This was the moment I learned that with twins, there is no such thing as unbifurcated emotion.
Emotion with body has only its own value. But it has no alternative to fade away at any time.
No matter how scary it seems, decide to sit with your emotion of fear for the purpose of accepting its presence, but not necessarily agreeing with it's point of view.
"My Lord," said a dark woman halfway down the table, her voice constricted with emotion, "it is an honor to have you here, in our family's house." There can be no higher pleasure.
The characteristics of the young emotion of the blind student have no natural difference with the common young man.
But, make no mistake, once Steve Jobs is no longer with us, there will be an outpouring of emotion.
Chemistry is a nature science, with rigorous logic but weak emotion in content. It is no doubt that the emotion factor has a great effect on chemistry teaching.
Each person is an individual with his or her own way of expressing emotion, and there is no right way to feel or react.
Each person is an individual with his or her own way of expressing emotion, and there is no right way to feel or react.