Think of the people who rushed to the area to help others with no regard for their own safety.
With Chileans cowed, the Chicago Boys could work as if in a laboratory, with no regard for social costs.
These houses are plopped in rows, facing the street, with no regard for local points of views or orientation.
Used by Voldemort in the sixth book to protect a Horcrux, the Inferi have "many USES" as "a warrior or guardian with no regard for its own safety".
In the books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, his friend, Dr Watson, describes Holmes as "eccentric, with no regard for contemporary standards of tidiness or good order."
Some writers, however, from sheer exuberance or a desire to show off, sprinkle their work liberally with foreign expressions, with no regard for the reader's comfort.
Some argue it turned Hollywood into a commercial beast with no regard for artistic merit. Star Wars, it is said, used technology that undermined fundamental principles of acting.
However, for the most part, traditional hotel revenue management is focused purely on maximizing sleeping room revenue with no regard for any other revenue associated with the hotel guest.
Unless your organization is flush with cash and has no regard for energy and the environment, it is past time to give your databases a proper tune-up.
Their objective appears to focus only on building the shortest possible route between locations of interest at the lowest cost with little or no regard for environmental consequences.
One way we know this isindirectly, by the fact that people seem to give to charity with littleto no regard for the effectiveness of their donations.
The comprador and the landlord classes also live on Chinese soil, but as they have no regard for the national interests, their interests clash with those of the majority.
With regard to the indemnity obligations herein, in no event shall Seller be liable for more than its proportionate share of fault.
With regard to patents, VP8 copies way too much from H. 264 for anyone sane to be comfortable with it, no matter whose word is behind the claim of being patent-free.
关于专利,VP8复制了太多H . 264的方法,任何理智的人都不会觉得舒服,不论是谁说的免专利费。
If you say "no" directly to the Chinese when disagreeing with their idea, it would be hard for them to accept, and they would regard you as impolite.
With regard to post seismic damaged houses in Dujianyan city, it seems not to demolish and rebuild all of them if they can be repaired, and if only there is no impact for the urban planning.
With no regard to the nature of language as a tool for communication, foreign language teaching is unlikely to be successful.
With regard to the smaller span and more suspension points for rigid suspension, the software for layout arrangement of overhead rigid suspension and has been applied in project of line No.
The system must be safe to use and no compromise to negotiate in term of safety standards for laboratory personnel with regard to those highly flammable, and hazardous gasses.
The system must be safe to use and no compromise to negotiate in term of safety standards for laboratory personnel with regard to those highly flammable, and hazardous gasses.