With regard to the CD's future work, we wish to make the following proposals of principle.
Transactions in FX involve you taking a position with regard to what you consider the price of one currency will be against the price of another currency in the future.
More than anything, the Christmas story gives us guidance on how to shape our own shared humanity with a regard for future generations.
An action they took with no thought or regard to how it would affect me, the future of string theory or my Lego fun time.
The main topic of discussion with regard to the storage, retrieval and communication of information is the future of the printed word.
Why do these divorced women and men choose to be single?How do they regard their situation?How do they deal with their problems in life?What do they expect in the future and what do they dream about?
If the rib graft is carved and placed without regard for the possibility of warping, then there may be a future problem with the rib graft curving to one side.
For the future, let us work together even more closely with regard to association life, protection of the environment, education and training, exhibitions and conferences.
For the future, let us work together even more closely with regard to association life, protection of the environment, education and training, exhibitions and conferences.