Works with the General Manager to coordinate functions that generate business with maximum profit potential.
Situation:Cathy wants to transfer her post of receptionist into a personnel officer. She came to talk with the general manager about this.
Spain's Navarra DO has officially brought its 2016 harvest to a close, with the general manager Jordi Vidal of the Consejo Regulador Navarra predicting an "excellent" 2016 vintage.
Reinforced concrete structure (industrial plant-based) structural design and reinforcement; With the general manager of a tender offer to participate in the project contract negotiations;
ABSTRACT: Spain's Navarra do has officially brought its 2016 harvest to a close, with the general manager Jordi Vidal of the Consejo Regulador Navarra predicting an "excellent" 2016 vintage.
Assist in compiling, together with the General Manager and Heads of Department, all budgets and forecasts covering all activities of the hotel and maintain proper budget any control procedures.
Afterwards the players hugged each other and wept with joy as their manager wobbled towards the 70-year-old general manager, Carlos Bilardo, and they clutched each other sobbing.
赛后阿根廷队球员相互拥抱,喜悦之情溢于言表。 而马拉多纳则颤抖地和70岁的球队总经理卡洛斯·比拉尔多相拥而泣起来。
We recently spoke with one general manager who was attending a meeting, who chose not to book the group rate at the hotel.
The general manager of the company, who works closely with the owner, called me into his office.
Meanwhile, his desire to return to Bayern in a coaching dream team with Ottmar Hitzfeld can never bear fruit while Uli Hoeness is the club's general manager.
Ottmar Hitzfeld, or Der General, stands with jose Mourinho and Ernst Happel as the only manager to win the European Cup with two clubs.
Decision: at the end of the day, you will likely meet with a Program Manager or someone else for a general conversation (product demos, concerns about the company, your competing offers, etc).
Attendance for last year was up 9 percent, compared with projections, said Mark Hammond, general manager and co-owner of the resort.
Lee will oversee the statistical and analytical efforts, while helping assistant general manager Bobby Marks with player personnel.
The company usually has three or four big projects going at once, says Gaimo, director, general manager and co-owner of the business with her husband.
公司总经理及企业所有人之一Gaimo(其丈夫为另一所有人)介绍说,公司通常有3 -4个项目同时在建。
WebSphere Application Server also supports the general concept of object pools, with each pool consisting of a pool manager providing access to pools for different class types.
The requirements outlined in your ad in... for a general manager assistant appear to mesh almost exactly with my own.
And the general manager of the Waterside Inn, Diego Masciaga, has worked with the Roux family for nearly 30 years.
“水边客栈(Waterside Inn)”的总经理,DiegoMasciaga,他与Roux家族共事了将近30年。
It often "co-creates" products with customers, says Bridget van Kralingen, the firm's general manager for North America.
它常同客户“共同开发”产品,IBM北美区总经理布里吉特•范克拉林金(Bridget vanKralingen)如是说。
Microsoft General Manager Paul Rellis said the company is working with the teenager to develop his talents for legitimate purposes — though he wouldn’t specify what that means.
Voyages, an Australian tour operator, is advertising for a general manager for its Lizard Island resort, a post that comes with a two-bedroom house overlooking the Great Barrier Reef.
"Removing the girls from the bus was not consistent with our policy," said TriMet General Manager Fred Hansen.
Elliott's lawyers reportedly served Jaime Caruana, the bank's general manager, with a subpoena at a public event, just as he was about to speak.
The company lost money for about four years, but with the new production methods, the general manager announced that the company was finally in the black.
General manager, a frequent target of criticism from fans, media and even his star player, just rolled with the punches, until one great trade revitalized the team and his reputation.
Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak tied for fourth with Chicago Bulls GM John Paxson in the voting for NBA executive of the year.
Lakers General Manager Mitch Kupchak tied for fourth with Chicago Bulls GM John Paxson in the voting for NBA executive of the year.