If businessmen are taxed too much, they will no longer be motivated to work hard, with the result that incomes from taxation might actually shrink.
With the result that in another 10 years, you could see China, India, the Middle East, and the EU in this huge economic bloc.
This is then coupled to a school's picture of what a diverse class should look like, with the result that passport, ethnic origin and sex can all become influencing factors.
I I was in the bath with the result that I didn't hear the telephone.
with the result that, in important ways, their children may not be better off than they are.
their coffers with the result that again they take their 30% cut of anything you sell that way.
He threatened to resign and had a chat with my boss, with the result that half of my job was taken away and given to him.
Similar mutations accreted, with the result that virtually all modern hawks have astonishingly acute vision by human standards.
Yet it also had to provide massive collateral guarantees to Banks, with the result that its total debt might actually increase.
And they carry each day's worries over to the next, with the result that some day the burden becomes more than they can carry.
Water levels in rivers are low, with the result that hydroelectric plants are generating about a fifth less electricity than normal.
However, many consumers have been sceptical about the promised extra image detail – with the result that sales have not taken off as expected.
Unfortunately for birds these trends are likely to continue with the result that the number of birds in the United States will necessarily decline.
European operators are required to keep mobile phones more open to software downloads, with the result that they can run programs such as Aka-Aki's.
欧洲的运营商需要让移动电话更容易进行软件下载,结果用户就能在移动电话上运行一些程序,如aka - Aki公司的程序。
With the result that most phone manufacturers have now jumped on the 'touch' bandwagon, trying to emulate the iPhone's success, or at least its mojo.
The Spanish failed to create a national champion, with the result that another country's champion has become far more powerful in the European market.
98% of those who were asked allowed the police to enter their homes, with the result that in 1994 the small unit running the programme seized 402 guns.
Melanoma cells and its patterns are normal, but congenital enzyme tyrosine sharp reduction or lack of, with the result that should not have caused melanoma.
When Lehman Brothers went down, the notion that all banks were "too big to fail" no longer held true, with the result that every bank was deemed to be risky.
This lasted in England until 1851, over a century and a half with the result that a bunch of homeonwners bricked up a few windows so they wouldn’t have to pay.
This study shows how easily people move from thinking socially to thinking financially with the result that they focus mainly on themselves and their own needs.
In Uganda, we have provided matching grants to community groups, with the result that school attendance and use of health facilities have improved dramatically.
"He came to study under me, with the result that he learned nothing". Only a few of the disciples understood: What the Master had to teach could not be learned.
Space restrictions on the Ubuntu CD have reportedly become a pressing consideration, with the result that attempts are being made to find a way to free up more room.
As chancellor, he introduced a badly designed regulation system, with the result that nobody was really in charge of overseeing the Banks when the credit crunch hit.
To increase sales, firms could hire more people without caring too much about productivity, with the result that growth in revenue correlated closely with growth in headcount.
Any genuinely critical comment is likely to make the employee react as my children do, with the result that critical comments are usually watered down in the final version.
They think they should sleep 8 or 9 hr., so they spend [that amount of time] in bed, with the result that they have trouble falling asleep and wake up a lot during the night.
They think they should sleep 8 or 9 hr., so they spend [that amount of time] in bed, with the result that they have trouble falling asleep and wake up a lot during the night.