The test of the software verifies that the optimal design of lifting magnet will reach higher technical and economical index than the products available with the same standard.
So a better standard of living comparison is between how much rice an Asian can buy with a certain income as against how many potatoes an American can by with the same income.
The written language is fairly standard throughout China, with characters possessing the same meanings and different pronunciations in different parts of the country.
You want to be sure not to create a false sense of security about the interoperability you might have with others using the same standard.
Virtual attachments have the same look-and-feel as standard Notes attachments, with the advantage of minimizing the standard attachment overhead to the Domino application.
WSDL is stored in standard text files with a.wsdl extension, typically on the same application server where the Web service itself is deployed.
And speaking of options, Virgin also offers a standard U. s. B. plug-in cellular modem with exactly the same pricing details.
Asynchronous Web services communicate with one another as long as the applications support the same standard message-based interface and speak a standard, interoperable language (SOAP, for example).
To continue with the standard format of commands and their options in AIX, lsgroup follows the same structure as lsuser.
As with the standard library, there can be many library functions that return values in fixed objects, always reusing the same objects, which causes the functions to be non-reentrant.
Consider a competitive merger in which the acquired company may already be compliant with some industry standard and the acquiring company wants to achieve the same level of compliance, company wide.
Those fed resveratrol along with the high - fat diet died many months later than the mice on high fat alone, and at the same rate as mice on a standard healthy diet.
If the database is a standard database that comes with the install and the server has been started on the same machine as the client is running the prefilled in values will work.
A “healthy eating” standard lasagne (ie, with meat) has only 332 calories and 10g of fat for the same 400g serving.
The same happened with standard mobile phones, whose prices dropped sharply, particularly after they were unbundled from operator contracts.
The OSIMM standard provides an opportunity to see a wide range of SOA maturities and at the same time understand the different benefits that accrue with each.
O SIMM标准列出了较宽跨度的SOA成熟度模型,同时又介绍了各种成熟度能够得到的收益。
Of course, for a standard, shallow document like weblog.xml, it is easy to do the same thing with list comprehensions.
当然,对于像weblog . xml这样标准、浅显的文档,使用列表理解很容易就可以做同样的工作。
And speaking of options, Virgin also offers a standard U.S.B. plug-in cellular modem with exactly the same pricing details.
So if you look at the rod-- and we use the pendulum as our standard, l-- with length little l-- then you see the period will be the same if 1 1/2 R is little l...
Those are not standard single quotes, but instead come from the keyboard key that normally sits above the Tab key. We can do exactly the same thing with bash's alternate command substitution syntax
那不是标准的单引号,而是键盘中通常位于 Tab键之上的单引号。
Standard deviation of current noise is qualified to compare corrosion rates of metals with the same corrosion type.
At the same time, all the way Wilson has become the standard operating procedures, the confrontation with the KGB play an important role to play.
With the exception of the inner-ring width, they have the same dimensions as the standard designs.
PBS suspension and sample dilution buffer (SDB) suspension of bovine brain tissue with the same concentration of the standard were detected.
Adhere to all the regulations established in hotel to deliver aservice with high quality and same standard to our customers.
Adhere to all the regulations established in hotel to deliver aservice with high quality and same standard to our customers.