Now, some who wrote about lesbians being "better" parents did so with tongue in cheek including's.
He has a very plausible way of talking; sometimes he talks with the tongue in the cheek.
Each chapter ends with a short critique of the action, ostensibly by a reviewer but presumably written by the author himself, enhancing the tongue in cheek humour of the novel.
Wylie Overstreet's new book, "The History of the World According to Facebook," (It Books, $14.99) answers some of these questions, with its tongue firmly in its virtual cheek.
“Following that logic, 64 km would be the limit of space in the world of the Simpsons,” he says, noting with tongue firmly in cheek that the Simpsons have eight fingers.
One lie has even become such a standard, that it's more of a joke than a real lie. I've said it to my son, but always with tongue-in-cheek.
He added, perhaps with a tongue in his cheek (not a pineapple), that it is only the fact that he's notallowed to pass laws that is keeping him from banning it entirely.
We think he is difficult to be trusted because too many times we have found him speak with his tongue in his cheek.
I suggested that Andy should captain the rugby team, although I did say it with my tongue in my cheek!
But these apps aren't so much products as they are tongue-in-cheek jokes about how we interact with technology.
Feyenoord trainer Been answers with his trademark tongue in cheek, when asked who he will assign to cover Suarez: "I'm still debating whether I should put three or four players against him."
A food-show video spoof has become a tasty topic for China's ravenous netizens, with most finding the tongue-in-cheek parody deliciously funny.
A food-show video spoof has become a tasty topic for China's ravenous netizens, with most finding the tongue-in-cheek parody deliciously funny.