The prisoners must remain within bounds while they are out working in the field.
DisplayObjectContainer lets you add and move around child components to any desired location within bounds.
The related head of the company told the actress to stay within bounds, or she would find herself in trouble.
The maximum cardinality of an array type is used by DB2 at runtime to ensure that subscripts are within bounds.
Within bounds of confidentiality, coachees should be encouraged to give feedback to the organization because it is sponsoring the coaching;
One of the qualities of maturity is the ability to understand that what's wrong and right (within bounds) may vary according to the situational context.
The system of recommenders is established and enforced for the sake of creating a mechanism of keeping the issuance of securities within bounds by forming a marketing force.
Changes in temperature occur slowly and are constrained within relatively tight bounds.
The advent of the computer has brought this sort of task within the bounds of possibility.
It may be that our bodies evolved to depend on at least low levels of worm-produced compounds to keep them running within normal bounds.
So if you are cleansing millions of addresses within given time bounds, rules can be applied in such a way that lets you segment the data.
Dealing with deflation is impossible within the bounds of normal market operations.
It hopes to join the ERM-2 (a pledge to keep the exchange rate within agreed bounds for two years) early next year in order to qualify for euro membership by 2012.
它希望能够在明年年初加入ERM - 2(保证在两年内将汇率固定在约定的范围内),以便能够在2012年前取得欧元区成员国的资格。
A weight's genesis begins with the Hopfield net choosing a pair of coordinates within the bounds of a basic pattern matrix.
I just hope that I can express a different idea within the bounds of a tradition.
Which I’ll paraphrase as meaning that if you are moderate you’ll act and speak within certain limits and bounds.
Natural languages are beyond their scope, but most computer programming languages are within their bounds.
Like a good park ranger, you want to encourage diversity within the limits of what you have control of, but not let things go beyond the set bounds.
The nature of all other beings is limited and constrained within the bounds of laws prescribed by Us.
This way, before you hit the run button, you can be assured that your code is well-formed within the bounds of the type system.
The king maintained order within the bounds of his realm .
The king maintained order within the bounds of his realm.
From the master secret, the client and server create the session keys, symmetric keys within the bounds of the chosen symmetric cipher used to encrypt the session's data.
The term "bookmarklet" follows this convention, suggesting the advanced functionality available within the bounds of a bookmark, or link.
术语“bookmarklet ”也遵从了这类约定,展示了在书签范围内或链接范围内可用的高级功能性。
“Opportunity for each” is promised, but within the bounds of each person’s ability; the reality is, some people will realize the American Dream more stupendously and significantly than others.
It is not perfect software, of course, even within the bounds of its goal. Specific releases have had such difficulties as.
It is not perfect software, of course, even within the bounds of its goal. Specific releases have had such difficulties as.