It is located within reach of many important Norman towns, including Bayeux.
UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon said: "The great goals are within reach."
It's because food is almost always within reach, and they don't have to store up a lot of food energy for the harsh winters.
Increasingly, as space becomes more democratized, these sophisticated technologies are coming within reach of ordinary people.
What brings the Modern Olympic Games within reach?
The armoire stands in a corner behind us, also conveniently within reach.
Apple so far shows few signs of bringing the iPad within reach of most Africans.
He is lying on his back on the grass now, the newspaper and can of beer within reach.
When it was finally within reach he caught hold of it and tossed it up onto the road.
One touch of a female's egg sac and they go ballistic, grappling any other male within reach.
变得争强好胜。 仅仅是对雌性卵囊接触也会使得他们反应过度,和范围内潜在的雄性扭打一团。
Flaming molten metal can be thrown some distance from the pot and will ignite anything within reach.
The net gain of 39 seats the Republicans need to win control of the House seems well within reach.
This puts the creation of sophisticated Web presentation layers within reach of novice programmers.
There is water ice on Mars within reach of the Mars Phoenix Lander, NASA scientists announced Thursday.
If you start early, spend wisely and save diligently, your million-dollar dreams are well within reach.
Despite my detachment, I continue to deliberately position myself to keep technological options within reach.
They developed vests and jackets that not only comfortably store items in a stylish way but also within reach.
But the trees were only three or four metres high, so the koalas were well within reach of our long-handled nets.
Turing over, sitting up by himself, and being able to grasp a toy within reach are all milestones in baby development.
A richer, fairer Latin America is within reach, but a lot of things have to be put right first, says Michael Reid
迈克. 雷德说:一个更富裕,更公平的拉丁美洲触手可及,然而首先许多方面必须得到纠正。
To believe is to know that wonderful surprises are just waiting to happen, and all our hopes and dreams are within reach.
But blowing more bubbles to replenish it does not require much energy, so fuel savings of 5-10% are within reach, says Dr Ceccio.
然而制造新的水泡来取代旧的并不会消耗太多的能源,所以赛西欧博士称这种方法可以节约5- 10%的能源。
Sound recording is available as well, and you can even use the watch as a USB drive for portable storage that's always within reach.
And new resources, such as those provided by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, are bringing guinea-worm eradication within reach.
“A lot of Russian homes are very modern—not, like, Design Within Reach modern but Euro-doesn’t-really-go-well-together modern, ” Dizik said.
Because such an improvement in governance constitutes just a fraction of the difference between the worst and best performers, it is within reach.
Viet Nam was still the only member of the current group of HBCs 1 among them, although Cambodia, Myanmar and the Philippines are within reach.
Viet Nam was still the only member of the current group of HBCs 1 among them, although Cambodia, Myanmar and the Philippines are within reach.