The focus of the light on the solar cell can also be fine-tuned by changing the air pressure within the balloon, and thus the curvature of the mirror.
The focus of the light on the solar cell can also be fine-tuned by changing the air pressure within the balloon, and thus the curvature of the mirror.
Though they are strikingly visible in this image from Spitzer's infrared array camera, they are completely obscured in visible light, buried within the core of the surrounding dust cloud.
The M17 SWex "dragon" is hidden within dust clouds that are opaque to visible light.
Hence the desire of physicists to build amore powerful machine than Fermilab's Tevatron. But a really light Higgs mightbe within the old workhorse's energy range.
This is a dangerous pitfall in which you could lose your way completely because you lose touch with who you really are: the angel, the creature of light who dwells within you.
The self of the self within each banters to make light of the dark and find their way out of their plight.
The three dial control lets you control the color and ambiance of the light within and the custom made rubber mesh seat ensures optimum comfort during long sittings.
When it is running at full throttle, the protons going round it will be travelling within 30cm a second of the speed of light.
Scholes and his team studied the light-harvesting protein complexes within algae by using laser pulses to mimic absorption of sunlight.
As you can see from the radar data, there appears to be light precipitation within a 30-mile radius of the radar antenna.
Each shockwave ACTS as a particle accelerator, increasing the speed of electrons within the plasma to near that of light.
Within 15 light-years of the sun there are approximately 56 stars, in 38 separate stellar systems. I say approximately for several reasons.
In infrared photography, the film or image sensor used within a digital camera is sensitive to infrared lighting, which allows the camera to pick up any light that's invisible to the human eye.
The town which appeared was still a world of monotone. But light pink flowers, that elicit a feeling of excitement within all Japanese, appeared in the black and white world.
It is heated by radiation from the young, hot stars within it, and the dust within the cloud radiates infrared light.
The light was otherworldly and snow began to fall as the ship slowly advanced to within sight of a beigy-yellowy something moving from west to east, a speck of life behind it.
天光像是来自另一个世界,船缓慢地向前航行时,天开始下起雪来。 可以看见米黄色的动物从西向东移动,随后还有几只跟随。
Flash or strobe light lets you photograph in dark places without having to increase your camera's ISO setting or use a tripod, as long as the subject is within the range of your light.
The integrated glass curtain wall with photoelectronic elements can isolate the emission; and the building's light beams can cover all areas within the pavilion, and achieve energy efficiency as well.
How many times have we to return with only a glimpse of the light in the window, only the sound of the pipes from within the palace gates lingering in our ears.
In fact, two of the 56 stars within 15 light-years are already known to have planets.
The lower one captures longer wavelengths that have passed unperturbed through the upper, and also any lower-energy light that has been re-emitted within the top layer and somehow escaped.
Business requirements become an urban myth, rumored to exist within the organization, but somehow melting away under the light of scrutiny.
When he flicks the switch and turns on his lamp, a sensor on his desk downloads music tracks digitally encoded within tiny flickers in the lamp's light.
Kirk, Spock and the rest of the crew would die within a second of the USS Enterprise approaching the speed of light.
There is a light existing within a person of light, that it enlightens the whole world.
Confucianism recommends a devotion to your occupation. The wealth earned from working is also seen in a positive light within Confucianism.
Confucianism recommends a devotion to your occupation. The wealth earned from working is also seen in a positive light within Confucianism.