Thiss express will go straight from Beijing to Shanghai without a stop.
Without a stop to fighting, I believe that the situation will collapse in Gaza, he said.
Every day, she kept busy picking stones and sticks and threw them into the sea without a stop.
No visit to the west coast is complete without a stop in Alberta's west Edmonton Mall, which caters to every shopping need.
Certainly you can get a lot of good work done, but working for 24 hours without a stop is not very clever, I think you'll agree?
Though my throat was sick then, I kept on teaching him because it was very funny.I often made a joke on him and we often laughed without a stop.
I could stop coding and despair, or I could write some code without a test and come back to it later.
How to stop the server without a user interface?
They'd just witnessed, or so they maintained, a security man turn his back at a bus stop and his dog get on the bus without him, only for the bus to depart.
Staring at something (a project, a task, a client) without acting on it will make it stop.
The decision to stop raising interest rates at 5.25% last summer has proved a good one: inflation has been gradually squeezed out, without threatening recession.
Stop -- Stop a path in the mediation flow without generating an exception.
You could catch a ball, hum a tune, stop at a red light - act exactly like a person but without any sense of what it is like to be alive.
If there are no running process instances for a template, you can now uninstall the application without having to first stop the template.
The next most important tip is to take a few seconds to organize your thoughts before you begin speaking–don’t start speaking without some idea of what you’ll say, only to stop and struggle for words.
For someone who's been doing it for a while, it can be difficult to stop doing it and suddenly transition into a normal job or date men without as many resources.
But we can't just sell it without a way to stop buyers from using dirty water.
Three weeks later, Serena is getting better at slowing to a stop sign without a helmet, but she still has a problem staying in the middle of a traffic lane when cars are approaching head on.
Do not stop giving your child medication without a doctor's help. Stopping medication suddenly can be dangerous, and it can make bipolar symptoms worse.
If you do run a race without training, you might simply run out of breath and have to walk. You might even have to stop altogether, or worse yet, you might get injured.
Only 3 percent of people who quit smoking can stop for a year and not smoke again without medicine.
A non-stop flight around the world without re-fueling was the last flight record to be set. The flight always had been considered impossible.
Suppliers must co-ordinate without negotiation on a mutually profitable price, then stop anybody undercutting it.
Suppliers must co-ordinate without negotiation on a mutually profitable price, then stop anybody undercutting it.