When some key agents'key part are revealed, they can be renewed without any effect on the others;
②如果某个托管代理者的子密钥泄露,系统只需为他重新分配子密钥,而不必更改其他成 员的子密钥;
This means that an updating operation towards a single object will either succeed or fail completely without any effect at all (atomic).
And that is just what he had said to himself over and over again, without any effect, before the process in which he focused on the felt meaning and it unfolded!
The playwright does something remarkable in this scene, but without any impression of straining after an effect.
By aggregating and merging the FOAF files, you can achieve the same effect as operating a centralized directory service, without any of the issues of single points of failure or control.
Besides being light, it does not suffer from any memory effect, which is the loss in capacity when a battery is recharged without being fully depleted.
You may feel the effect a little later but you can drink it all day without any problems. Try doing that on coffee without shaking!
Flexibility in business processes is a result, because a service can be swapped with a more pertinent implementation without having any effect on the consumer of the business process.
Without good effect, any motive is inadvisable, no matter how noble it is. In the same way, without being restricted by purposes, good measures may lead to bad behaviors.
Without these effective private sanctions, the standards imposed by the new food-safety law are unlikely to have any real effect.
The effect, for viewers a few metres away, is a lifelike, full-sized 3-D moving image of a person that appears to float in space, without any visible screen.
Thee playwright does something remarkable in this scene, but without any impression of straining after an effect.
We shall be allowed to make a backup copy even without any express agreement to that effect.
You may feel the effect a little later but you can drink it all day without any problems.
Cost-cutting measures are imposed, often without warning. These are felt by many to be unfair, petty, and unlikely to make any lasting significant effect.
Conclusion the unilateral multiple functional fixation device might treat the limb fracture with ideal curative effect without any complication.
A thermoacoustic engine converts thermal energy into acoustic power by thermoacoustic effect without any mechanical moving parts.
Hibernating animals can sleep all through the winter without eating any food with no ill effect.
Stainless steel blade knife one-time for clinical shave without any auxiliary, dry scraping effect is excellent, convenient and clean fast!
This means cameras that record any moment of an experience without the individual's active decision of what to capture are unlikely to have the same effect, according to the researchers.
The method is simple and easy to implement, without any by effect on the original protection characteristics.
In its hibernating state it can even live in a poisonous atmosphere for a long time without any ill effect.
We found that the curl can have a fixed position without any negative effect of the functionality of the stand.
Backwashingable filter can blow down at any moment and backflush the filter without pumping off, which improves the application effect, reduces the cost and elongate the working life.
Conclusion: The PCEA is useful in relieving labor pain and accelerating labor course without any side effect on fetus and lying-in women and should be extended in clinic.
With all three algorithms in effect, a 1-gb video file can be compressed to just 25 MB, without destroying any of the original video information.
三种算法都生效的情况下,一个1 -GB的视频文件可以被压缩到只有25MB,并且不会破坏任何原始视频信息。
With all three algorithms in effect, a 1-gb video file can be compressed to just 25 MB, without destroying any of the original video information.
三种算法都生效的情况下,一个1 -GB的视频文件可以被压缩到只有25MB,并且不会破坏任何原始视频信息。