I have here our price sheet on a FAS vessel basis, the price are given without engagement.
I have here our price sheet on a FAS vessel basis, the price are given without engagement.
I I have here our price sheet on a FAS vessel basis, the price are given without engagement.
I have here our price sheet on an FAS vessel basis. The prices are given without engagement.
Further to our letter of … we now offer you without engagement, our various items as follows.
续我方… 月…日函,现报不具约束力的各种货物价格如下。
The above offer be make without engagement and all order will be subject to our write acceptance.
The above offer is made without engagement and all orders will be subject to our written acceptance.
We are requested to quote for the Blanket No. 33 in your cable dated June 3 and we are confirming the following offer of June 6 by cable without engagement.
Without full and sustained business engagement, these projects often do not yield anticipated benefits.
The truth is that nothing in the 21st century will work well without China's full engagement.
By removing any real human engagement, they enable us to cultivate our narcissism without the risk of disapproval or criticism.
Without opportunities for productive civic engagement, young people's frustrations may boil over into economic and social tensions, creating long-simmering disputes.
I had not know him for 20 years without learning that he always kept in upper-left pocket of his waistcoat the little book in which he put down his engagement?
Without the consent and engagement of Barack Obama and the parties' leaders in Congress, the latest deficit buster will fare no better than the first three.
We have pleasure in enclosing herewith the mentioned letter of credit This documentary credit is advised without any engagement or responsibility on our part.
It's not that he is aloof; he displays all the surface signs of engagement, without quite making the leap to authentic friendliness.
"My dearest Catherine, " continued the other without at all listening to her, "I would not for all the world be the means of hurrying you into an engagement before you knew what you were about.
Without the students' attention—without their engagement—their growth is stunted.
Without the students' attention—without their engagement—their growth is stunted.