Women are as equal as men in modern society, which means women have the same power to make decision as men, and shows their own ability.
Accounting for 60% of university students, Iranian women emerge from university armed with career expectations and modern attitudes toward their role in family and society.
Chinese modern female writers struggled to get free from the traditional roles assigned by the society and created a series of women characters in literature.
However, in a modern society characterized by the clash and fusing of two different cultures, women, on the basis of physical independence, must strive for the emancipation of mind.
Too much stress is laid on profit in modern society full of violent competition, which is not a favorable environment for women as emotional creatures.
In Howards End, Forster employs several pairs of binary oppositions to present the conflicts in modern society, such as men and women, city and country, ideal and reality, etc.
In China, the attitude of women to marriage has limited by society, family, parents and husband, modern Chinese marriage history is the same as modern Chinese women living history.
On this special day, the women can really realize that a woman's value is not only giving birth to a child, doing endless housework, but also find her own status in the modern society.
In modern society, women take part in every field and pay more attention to their space of living than each era. But women followed into embossment more than two thousand years ago.
In modern society, women take part in every field and pay more attention to their space of living than each era. But women followed into embossment more than two thousand years ago.