There was a dead silence instantly, and Alice thought to herself, "I wonder what they WILL do next!"
One has to wonder: why don't we apply the same social norms to checking phones during meals, meetings and conversations as we do to other antisocial behaviors?
Do you ever wonder (琢磨) why you like certain animals or why you like to do certain things?
You may wonder if there is anything you can do to make the networks in your brain grow better.
You may often wonder why we students should study something that has nothing to do with our own lives.
He talks of building a "digital skyscraper," a company whose services are so indispensable that someday we will look back and wonder how we managed to do without it.
And I wonder whether by ignoring our differences as women or men of colour we do a disservice both to the law and to society.
The distortion is at places so harsh, it's hard not to wonder why Krell doesn't do away with it.
If they know it is, they might be confused about how to do it or they might wonder why they should.
All I have left to do is wander around the gateway and wonder why it isn't working.
I do wonder, however, what this means for the future of outsourcing to Asian markets, though.
They wonder what these parents do to produce so many math whizzes and music prodigies, what it's like inside the family, and whether they could do it too.
We express love and gratitude to others, and increasingly appreciate the wonder of life and the blessing we do have.
Some people look a very talented person and wonder why they are great at what they do and want to be the same yet they don't have the patience to figure who they are themselves.
That’s the more narcissistic reason — it sounds like it’s in the best interest of the pet but, clearly, when you think about what they’re asking you to do you have to wonder if it is.
You will miss out, but in striving to do everything, you'll miss out on the wonder of the thing you are doing right now.
In class, after again haranguing my students for failing to do their homework properly, I often wonder aloud why they have problems with patience, focus, and discipline.
No wonder that people love summer, and so do the artists, who do their best to create the images of this season and recreate its unique atmosphere.
Otherwise you’ll fail to do what the boss wanted and she’ll wonder how you misinterpreted her directions.
But being a young entrepreneur in college, you wonder: Exactly how do I secure those deals and prove my company has what it takes to deliver?
They wonder what these parents do to produce so many biters and gnawers, what it's like inside the family, and whether they could do it too.
It's no wonder that, in trying to do all this, many innovators (and companies) get twisted up in knots.
You do have to wonder what these people were thinking two years ago, when raw material prices were plunging.
Parents wonder why their kids have so much work to do at home, aren’t sure how to help or even if they should, and feel as though they get little support from teachers.
You might wonder why to do this if the component is already available in the JSF framework.
Sometimes, though, I do start to wonder: Does this mean I'm depressed?
Wang Shuai, 20, Qingdao: I do wonder if today`s actors have the knowledge to be able to deliver the lines properly.
Wang Shuai, 20, Qingdao: I do wonder if today`s actors have the knowledge to be able to deliver the lines properly.