They included a pizza chef, an electrical engineer, a bank executive, a school teacher and four stockbrokers; stockbrokers get the word faster.
"Word has gotten out about the program," said Jean Blacklock, vice-president of wealth services at Canada's fourth-largest bank.
The "magnets" are the word bank, and it is the reader's responsibility to fill in the blanks (don't worry, they give you the answers later).
Finally, I want to say a special word of thanks to the many people inside and outside the Bank who have publicly or privately expressed their support for me and asked me to stay.
But European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet offered a word of caution.
Mervyn King, the head of the Bank of England, talked a few days ago about how faith could be restored in a world where "my word is my bond" had been replaced by "my word is my CDO squared".
英格兰银行(Bank of England)行长默文·金(Mervyn King)几天前谈到,在这个世界已经从“我的承诺就是我的债券”变成了“我的承诺就是我的双层担保债务凭证(CDO squared)”的时候,该如何重塑信心。
Two months after the Tightwad Bank opened in May 1984, an article on it appeared in the Kansas City Times. Word began to spread.
Your password , just like those associated with bank teller-machine cards , should not be a common word or something easily guessed.
你的口令,和银行自动取款卡上的一样,不能是一个平常的词或容易被猜出的词。 收藏。
Your password, just like those associated with bank teller-machine CARDS, should not be a common word or something easily guessed.
The stranger looked at me for a few minutes and then drove away from the bank without a word.
And word has it that the Bowen Gang is gonna rob the bank any day now, so you better do it as soon as possible.
They included a pizza chef, an electrical engineer, a bank executive, a dairy wholesaler, a school teacher and four stockbrokers; stockbrokers get the word faster.
Usually the word bank refers only to the commercial Banks like the one I work for.
Existing customers and potential customers that always use Internet, believe in word-of-mouth, like to share, need financial service, and have little time to go to bank due to busy work.
A small rise in our neighbor's yard adjacent to our driveway was the original "bank" from which I learned the word.
You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of ch0ices given in a word bank following the passage .
Does the word 'bankrupt' come from a literal breaking of a bank?
Robin Hood took the Friar on his back, without saying a word to him, carried him over the water, and laid him gently down on the bank.
Create your own story by choosing the vocabulary from the word bank below and writing it in the blank spaces.
Besides, our hotel also has bank, flower house, ticket booking center and other services. In a word, you will be satisfied here during your stay.
The invention discloses a method for loading an input method word bank, a method for inputting characters and an input method system.
Robin Hood took the Friar on hisback, without saying a word to him, carried him over the water, and laid him gently down onthe bank.
Thee boatman then began the journey without saying a word. He rowed and rowed towards the opposite bank.
A newspaper in Boston, Massachusetts said the word came from a criminal whose name was Borghese. The newspaper said Borghese wrote checks to people although he did not have enough money in the bank.
One word of warning though, if you are using the roads in the UK on bank holidays or during school holidays, you can expect long traffic jams on the motorways . It might be better to take the train.
Classroom is too noisy, has too bored dormitory, in the forest in campus, little river bank and fragrant grass is classmate on the ground completely, a hand hold book, in mouth think of have word.
Classroom is too noisy, has too bored dormitory, in the forest in campus, little river bank and fragrant grass is classmate on the ground completely, a hand hold book, in mouth think of have word.