It's not quite peace in the strictest sense of the word, rather the absence of war.
I am not referring to 'small' people in the literal sense of the word.
In recent years an English word "infosphere" has appeared, combining the sense of "information" and "atmosphere".
It was clear after the incident that, while she may have answered truthfully in the strictest sense of the word, Sheryl was actually trying to delude Sergei.
I'm using the word 'academic' here in a pejorative sense.
The most elegant woman I've ever met – she had class in every sense of the word.
Note, I use the word 'observation' these are not trials in the scientific sense of the word.
In the fullest sense of the word, it can be said that everything in that work is essential.
A pause placed just before the punch line or the punch word builds a sense of anticipation, a form of tension, which makes the joke stronger.
He argument about the aggregate demand side is academic, in the negative sense of the word.
There is an air of heaven about the word. This makes some sense in the context that the Latin root is often given as meaning "uplifted."
The word 'underground' connotes a sense of concealment, even of contraband, and this is at the heart of what still defines it as a musical philosophy.
They’re clearly not intended to create designers in the traditional sense of the word; they’re intended to create design thinkers that can work alongside designers on these more complex problems.
It is indeed a spring city in the real sense of the word. So please come to Wuzhishan.
This XSLT takes the sense information for a word, and displays the gloss (brief definition) for each sense.
All languages are equally powerful in the sense of being Turing equivalent, but that's not the sense of the word programmers care about.
He is an eccentric in the true sense of the word but he resents being so called.
She is the last generation of modern women who were brought up on the notion that their task is home-making in every sense of the word.
His lack of formal training as an actor doesn't mean he can't act, in every sense of that word.
Nowhere will it ever be completed in the truest sense of the word, because your life is a journey to be discovered every day.
The entry for rifle has not yet been updated for the OED 3rd edition and I have to suspect that George Washington wasn’t the very first person to have used this word in this sense.
Using pseudowords we can overcome data sparseness problem in supervised WSD and fully verify the experimental effect of word sense classifier.
First of all, the significance of unsupervised word sense disambiguation study is introduced.
Word sense disambiguation is one of the difficult problems and a key point in natural language processing.
Basing on the model and combining the advantage of rule-based approach in word sense choosing and lexis deforming, a new analogy translation generation method for EBMT was realized.
The goal of this paper is to give a brief summary of the current unsupervised word sense disambiguation techniques in order to facilitate future research.
The former includes Chinese word segmentation, part - of - speech tagging, pinyin tagging, named entity recognition, new word detection, syntactic parsing, word sense disambiguation, etc.
The paper analyzes how factors such as syntax, word sense, rhetorical devices and author inclination of the original work may influence its understanding.
The paper analyzes how factors such as syntax, word sense, rhetorical devices and author inclination of the original work may influence its understanding.