In this case, I chose to give a simpler display that includes all the word forms for the synset in square brackets, the gloss, and then any further links to other synsets.
The hundreds of thousands gathered in the square wanted to hear him say only one word: “Goodbye.”
When you are through the square, the big lamp emit red light "spring" word, in the cold night, let you feel a little warm, as if in the atmosphere of the celebration, spring is coming towards you.
Let us assume that you, the Milesian standing in the square listening to Thales, know perfectly well what the word everything means.
Just busy square has become surprised about the silence of the word... is only an empty square Harry a human being.
So an efficient search method by using populating code book are developed, and search procedures for determining the minimum mean-square error excitation code word are discussed.
The students take turns to identify a square and the teacher (who has prepared the word positions on a separate piece of paper) marks the relevant letter on the blackboard.
The 350-square-metre restaurant is named Björk – the Swedish word for birch – and can seat 80 customers on two floors.
The Liberation Park is a household word in Wuhan as it is rare to have a park that sits in the center of the city and has an area of 460,000 square meters.
The event of Tess Durbeyfield's return from the manor of her bogus kinsfolk was rumoured abroad, if rumour be not too large a word for a space of a square mile.
Square Word Calligraphy is a form of writing designed by artist Xu Bing that appears Chinese, but is actually English.
Square Word Calligraphy is a form of writing designed by artist Xu Bing that appears Chinese, but is actually English.