Only about half of the words in these languages could be translated word-for-word.
Lyrics and word-for-word translation of a popular song.
He wrote his speeches word-for-word on paper, and practiced them.
If you write the speech out word-for-word and then just read it, you will sound very boring.
If we choose to follow word-for-word, we will never pave our own path to the simpler life we desire.
One study showed that 79% of test users scanned any new page they visited, while only 16% read the page word-for-word.
Right beside his appeal was another flier with the same request, word-for-word identical in every way, right down to the typeface.
On the whole, the language in the word-for-word documents can not be regarded as the real reflection of oral Chinese in Yuan Dynasty.
Write, word-for-word, the script for your documentary. This means that you will write the dialogue of your characters as well as the narrator's dialogue.
The word-for-word quote, from David Kirkpatrick's book "The Facebook Effect": "A squirrel dying in front of your house may be more relevant to your interests right now than people dying in Africa."
One of them is a word counter, which counts for certain word occurrence in several files.
This is why the word "five" in many languages is derived from the word for "hand."
For instance, subjects are given three words such as "age", "mile" and "sand"—and asked to come up with a single word that can precede or follow each of them to form a compound word.
Extensive reading is not reading word for word but finding out the main ideas of the passage.
He remembered it was somewhere in James but couldn't remember it word for word.
You can't script your conversation word for word, but you can prepare by writing down the most important points so you don't miss anything.
It is easier to remember a rhyme word for word than straight prose, especially if you are illiterate.
The ghost would remind him of everything that transpired between him and his fiancee that day, even to the point of repeating, word for word, their conversations.
Reports emerged of a passage from a newspaper article being published word for word, and then of a paragraph from the us embassy website being used without attribution.
An idiomatic expression in one language could sound completely stupid when translated word for word into another.
And sure enough, when I got back to my office and pulled one of my books off the shelf, there the pages were, practically word for word.
Yang can repeat the tenets on his pre-job training brochure word for word: "Careful, patient, considerate, enthusiastic".
What he said was a word for word translation from Chinese, but even if he had phrased his idea more idiomatically, you still would have misunderstood him.
I can still teach you how to play Red Planet at a Virtual World ten years after I flew my last mission. I can recite the sales pitch word for word.
在我“金盆洗 手”十多年后,我仍能教你如何在一个虚拟的世界里扮演火星[译者注:作 者在从事这份工作时,向购买者所做的演示],一字不差地背诵那些销售秘诀(如:它仅为一杯啤酒的价格等)。
I'll repeat our conversation, word for word, Isabella; and you point out any charm it could have had for you. '.
She still remembers the broadcast word for word: "It is Sunday the 13 August 1961."
She still remembers the broadcast word for word: "It is Sunday the 13 August 1961.
Published in 2001 by Crossway, it was developed by a translation team of more than 100 scholars, with the goal of being very accurate (word for word), and yet very readable.
Published in 2001 by Crossway, it was developed by a translation team of more than 100 scholars, with the goal of being very accurate (word for word), and yet very readable.