To understand where the term comes from, imagine someone saying the word “AuSTRAlian” in a thick Australian accent.
Unfortunately, I catch one word in ten: an impenetrable accent and unfamiliar vocabulary obscure the rest.
In another country I often avoid abstract language when talking to other academics and try not to accent every word.
She is a scotchwoman, and speaks with a scotch accent, and now and then a provincial word drops out so prettily.
When the word is used as a noun, the accent is on the first syllable; if it is as a verb, the accent shifts to the second syllable.
阿谁次馋名词时重音正在第一音节,做动词用时重音正在第两音节上。 .。
What constitutes an accent when you — what is an accent in a given English word?
In French if the last letter of a word is an e, it is not pronounced unless it has an accent on it.
Listening to her last tweet, I'll read a Song, my hometown with my accent, I read from the first keyed word mildly, that parting of the secret anguish will pass in this familiar Shuibodu.
The only written accent is the grave, which is used when-ever a word of more than one syllable stresses the final vowel (città—city).
When I think of the word polecat I think of someone with a southern accent saying it.
There's an acute accent on thee in 'ble' which is the French word for corn.
The features mainly lie in greetings, word-choosing, accent, word formation, pronunciation, intonation and grammar.
The features mainly lie in greetings, word-choosing, accent, word formation, pronunciation, intonation and grammar.