A simple word association game may reveal the hidden truth about your union, a new study suggests.
The elicitation instrument was a guided word association test and a depth of individual word knowledge test.
He also taught classes at the University of Zurich, had a private practice, and invented word association at this time!
When Rogge compared the word association test results with the self-reports, he found the tests did a better job of predicting breakups.
It's common as an Asian-American to feel like an unwilling participant in society's lazy word association game: See someone Asian, say something Asian.
Then it goes on to introduce a cultural analysis and presentation technique—word association and interpretation, and its wide application in English teaching.
Study methods such as this "picture-word association" allows students to write down, repeat, and review a lot of information without feeling bored or "stupid".
In this paper, one aspect of vocabulary, that is word association knowledge has been proved to facilitate vocabulary retention, to enlarge one's vocabulary size.
The researchers had the subjects make free associations after presenting the stimulus words "love" and "friendship" separately, so as to collect data on the basis of word association.
It is therefore highly necessary to explore Chinese EFL learners' mental lexicon links by employing word association test with a view to providing implications for their lexical development.
According to scientists, it is possible to predict whether a couple will break up by using a word association test - and it's much more accurate than simply asking them how they feel about each other.
Methods:Stimulus-response words with different association strength including strong, moderate, weak, and no association categories were chosen from word association thesaurus as experiment materials.
That theory could help explain why studies have found that people prone to mind wandering also score higher on tests of creativity, like the word-association puzzle mentioned earlier.
Like the word "cancer," the association of the words "nuclear" and "meltdown" strikes an emotional chord in people around the globe.
The word wife predates an association with being married or unmarried and in our earliest records just meant “woman.”
Mr Jacobson was due to deliver the annual speech for “26”, an association that champions the written and spoken word, at the British Library on October 21st.
It can rarely be rendered accurately by references to our present-day association of the word with moral ‘virtue’.
The undergraduates were also tested for levels of pain relief while being distracted with word-association tasks such as: "Think of sports that don't involve balls."
No such luck. In the Jan. 7 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, two major reports seemed to have offered the final word on this question.
So when you come across this word again, the pronunciation will remind you of the association and therefore the meaning of the word.
This paper first argues that derogatory terms can be used as brand names and then goes on to prove it through the multi-meanings of a word, the context and association.
How would a speaker take it upon himself to associate an idea with a word-image if he had not first come across the association in an act of speaking?
In counties where the peasant power was very strong, the word of the peasant association worked miracles.
This new method is based on association norm estimation, and searches for the word boundaries by right boundary expanding.
Designed and implemented a bilingual chunk extraction system which based on association value and word alignment, achieving a good experiment result.
Designed and implemented a bilingual chunk extraction system which based on association value and word alignment, achieving a good experiment result.