Extensive reading is not reading word for word but finding out the main ideas of the passage.
And the word for word translation only makes it obscure.
He remembered it was somewhere in James but couldn't remember it word for word.
Teacher: : This essay on your dog is, word for word, the same as your brother's.
老师:这篇有关狗的文章和你哥哥的一字不差。 。
She still remembers the broadcast word for word: "It is Sunday the 13 August 1961.
She still remembers the broadcast word for word: "It is Sunday the 13 August 1961."
Don't read the article word for word, skim through it to pay attention to key words.
A word for word translation will never give the full meaning and flavor of this passage.
It is easier to remember a rhyme word for word than straight prose, especially if you are illiterate.
Almost word for word Elton repeated a story which he had committed to heart in the watches of the night.
I have also learned to absorb whole sentences without trying to translate them word for word into Chinese.
I'll repeat our conversation, word for word, Isabella; and you point out any charm it could have had for you. '.
When you are learning English, you find it not clever to put an English sentence, word for word into your own.
An idiomatic expression in one language could sound completely stupid when translated word for word into another.
Translating word for word may lead the readers in wrong directions towards the understanding of the original text.
Yang can repeat the tenets on his pre-job training brochure word for word: "Careful, patient, considerate, enthusiastic".
And sure enough, when I got back to my office and pulled one of my books off the shelf, there the pages were, practically word for word.
You can't script your conversation word for word, but you can prepare by writing down the most important points so you don't miss anything.
I can still teach you how to play Red Planet at a Virtual World ten years after I flew my last mission. I can recite the sales pitch word for word.
在我“金盆洗 手”十多年后,我仍能教你如何在一个虚拟的世界里扮演火星[译者注:作 者在从事这份工作时,向购买者所做的演示],一字不差地背诵那些销售秘诀(如:它仅为一杯啤酒的价格等)。
What he said was a word for word translation from Chinese, but even if he had phrased his idea more idiomatically, you still would have misunderstood him.
Media reports described the packed show as something of a spectacle, with legions of screaming teenaged fans singing along word for word to bandas songs.
The ghost would remind him of everything that transpired between him and his fiancee that day, even to the point of repeating, word for word, their conversations.
It depends on the speech. An important keynote or eulogy might be written out word for word. An informal presentation to employees can be outlined on note cards.
Reports emerged of a passage from a newspaper article being published word for word, and then of a paragraph from the us embassy website being used without attribution.
Published in 2001 by Crossway, it was developed by a translation team of more than 100 scholars, with the goal of being very accurate (word for word), and yet very readable.
In the study of Chinese ancient literary style, for a long time, there existed two unilateral standpoints that the unitary and one-way view and the word for word study method.
In the study of Chinese ancient literary style, for a long time, there existed two unilateral standpoints that the unitary and one-way view and the word for word study method.