The system is designed to be used in conjunction with a word processing program.
All you need to create your own business plan is a word processing program and a spreadsheet program.
Experiment with the fonts in your word processing program to find one that you like and that fits the occasion.
If you are using a word processing program, the CPU spends the majority of its time waiting for you to type in characters at the keyboard.
This suite of open source productivity tools includes a word-processing program, a spreadsheet creator, a presentation tool, drawing software and database program.
The quotation mark that is produced when you type "on your computer is not a true quotation mark (unless your word processing or page layout program has automatic formatting)."
A sophisticated word processing and document layout program.
If you write a cover letter in a word-processing program, strip away all formatting and save the file as plain text.
Microsoft says it spent several million dollars over 20 years to develop a robust spell-checker for its word-processing program.
We use the word helpful carefully in that you should always try to design for minimal cleanup processing outside of your own program.
这里的 “有助于”这个词加上引号是因为,您应该尽可能在自己的程序中完成清理过程,不要依靠系统机制。
For instance, you could be printing a word processing document and using a database management program at the same time.
Users can download the three programs – Pages, the word processing tool; Numbers, the spreadsheet program; and Keynote, for presentations – at a cost of $9.99 each.
We also have “virtual” inboxes: your email program, your RSS reader, note-organizing apps like Evernote, even a text or word processing file you keep open on your desktop.
For example, one word-processing program suggests airy as a synonym for fresh, but airy wouldn't make sense as the bold heading of this bullet item.
For example, one word-processing program suggests airy as a synonym for fresh, but airy wouldn't make sense as the bold heading of this bullet item.