Take the difference in minutes between the two dates and divide by the number of words you typed (which is output by the middle command) to get the average number of words per minute you type.
And right before the last slide, what does it look like in the lab, what we have been able to achieve is a system that performs about 15 words per minute.
Active Listening People speak at 100 to 175 words per minute (WPM), but they can listen intelligently at up to 300 words per minute.
I can type 60 words per minute, and take dictation in English at 100 words per minute.
Adora Svitak is eight years old, adores French philosophers, polishes off three novels a day and touch-types at 90 words per minute.
I can write shorthand at the rate of 120 words per minute, and typewriting at 55 words English.
The 250-word count of an auctioneer is much faster than the 175 words per minute the typical book-on-tape actor manages.
In grade 2, she easily beat the standard of 60 words per minute set by proponents of child literacy around the world.
A 1963 study purported to find one person who read 17, 040 words per minute.
The manufacturer say that you can get up to 40 words per minute if you practice between 6 to 10 hours with it.
The speed-reading huckster Evelyn Wood claimed that a professor boasted of consuming more than 2, 500 words per minute "with outstanding recall and comprehension."
速读推广者埃文莱·伍德(Evelyn Wood)声称一个“记忆和理解能力卓然超群”的教授一分钟能消化超过2500个单词。
Reid: I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified, but I do have an I.Q. Of 187 and an eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute.
Jessica can text, play the piano, type 25 words per minute and put her contact lenses in with her feet.
People can think more than three times faster than they can speak (500 words per minute versus 150 words per minute); this gap can lead to problems when your mind starts to wander.
I can write shorthand at the rate of 120 words per minute, and typewriting at 55 words per minute in English.
I take dictation in English at about 100 words per minute.
Even so, these have achieved operating rates of around 22 words per minute—considerably higher than the 16 an average user can achieve using predictive texting.
She increased her reading speed from 100 to 250 words per minute.
She is able to write 25 words per minute, dry her hair, put on her make-up, and wear her contact lenses at the same ease as anyone.
The average person talks at about 225 word per minute, but we can listen at up to 500 words per minute.
Individual features: Chinese character input speed, 70 to 80 words per minute.
I can type 70 words per minute, and take dictation in English at 100 words per minute.
I I can type 60 words per minute, and take dictation in English at 100 words per minute.
She typed at 120 words per minute from her boss's dictation.
Elise: : she's got to be breaking a record for the number of words per minute. Hey wait, she's done. The next speaker has to be better.
The average reader reads about 240 words per minute, where as a diagonal reader 'reads' (actually scans) closer to 15 words per second or about 900 words per minute.
Telex: An international dial-up communications service that uses teleprinters for terminals and transmits Baudot code at 50bits per second, or 600 words per minute.
The average person talks at about 225 word per minute, but we canlisten at up to 500 words per minute.
The average person talks at about 225 words per minute, but we can listen at up to 500 words per minute, said Headlee.
The average person talks at about 225 words per minute, but we can listen at up to 500 words per minute, said Headlee.