The rupture mode of the composite at room and elevated temperature depends upon the work-hardening characteristics of the nickel alloy matrix.
The constitutive model is developed to have a stress path-independent work-hardening parameter based on the modified plastic strain energy concept.
ER110S, a kind of low-carbon steel welding wire alloy, which is processed by a traditional annealing, is often broken for the work-hardening in the follow-up drawing process.
With all that security hardening work to do, it's far smarter, simpler, and safer to leave security hardening to the AIXPert.
Test results show that for the stress-strain curves with no obvious peak strain, it is a available to use work hardening rate method to determine peak strain and stable strain.
To join ellipse yield function, hardening parameter with plastic work, associated flow law and damage theory, the elastoplastic damage constitutive model of loess were derived.
The channels work in the same way as an animal's circulatory system, and they can be filled with hardening resins to repair cracks.
Studied the mechanism of work hardening by broaching new engine superalloy GH761, which is important to GH761 application and discussion the reason of cutting tool wear.
研究新型高温合金GH 761拉削时产生加工硬化的现象和变化规律,这对研究GH761合金的实际应用和探讨拉刀磨损原因是非常必要的。
The surface of the hypoeutectic white cast iron of great wearable work piece in common use was treated by laser hardening.
The yield strength of JCOE welded pipe was different from the mother steel plate because of the influence of Bauschinger effect and work hardening.
After cold rolled and drawn, the columnar crystals fined to fibrous crystals, which resulted in remarkable work hardening.
At the oxidation wear stage, certain degree of cold deformation can improve the wear resistance of the alloy because of work hardening.
The effects of alloying elements on the work hardening ability of as cast manganese steels wre carried out by means of compressive tests.
The research results show that the microstructure and work hardening mechanism are distinguishing under different work hardening effect;
This model took account of material anisotropic and work hardening properties, and included the influence of the Bauschinger effect.
The results show that the effects of work hardening by strain-induced martensite transformation and cast pore defects are the main reasons leading to strip broken of the steels during cold rolling.
Their argument is based on the plastic work Wp being the controlling tactor in hardening.
The research results show that obvious softening occurs between the first and second pass and the increasing work hardening exists between following passes.
Deep drawn parts offer the ability to pre-plate the internal working faces with gold, while also work-polishing and hardening the wall to optimize product lifetime.
High strength, low thermal conductivity, high ductility and high work hardening tendency of stainless steels are the main factors that make their machinability difficult.
Due to work hardening in the groove area, ductile materials and tempers should be specified.
The stress increased slowly with strain increased when strain was above 5%, and work hardening rate decreased.
Yield strength and ultimate tensile strength, work hardening exponent and normal anisotropy of plastic strain ratio decrease but planner anisotropy of plastic strain ratio increases.
Mechanical tests Several types of mechanical test were performed in order to investigate the effect of the stress state on the austenite transformation rate and on the resulting work hardening.
The evolution of blank hold pressure is determined by the effect of work hardening and softening during deep drawing process.
The high wear resistance of the metastable austenitic Mn-steels lies in the high work hardening caused by induced martensite transformation.
The high wear resistance of the metastable austenitic Mn-steels lies in the high work hardening caused by induced martensite transformation.