There is hardly a writer or artist who does not consider his own work beautiful, and our criticism ought to permit the free competition of all varieties of works of art;
It is not a political treatise, as those who merely judge books by their title think, but it is the finest, most beautiful work on education ever written.
A typical work, such as Seven Days, consists of a single beautiful black-and-white photograph taken on an epic walk, with the mileage and number of days taken listed beneath.
This is because the female body is a beautiful work of art, while the male body is lumpy and hairy and should not be seen by the light of day.
When we trust in the hands of a greater power, our life's work can be truly beautiful.
Some people think that a beautiful appearance can lead to success, however, the only passport to success is hard work.
With a few cuts, she changes a piece of paper into a beautiful work of art.
She had to wear old clothes and work hard while the sisters wore beautiful clothes and had fun.
Like Florence Nightingale before him, what gives his work its persuasive force is not just rock-solid data and beautiful graphics but his personal passion and enthusiasm.
After our beautiful wedding I continued working part time at the Pain Center and completed my work for a masters degree.
And I was young and healthy. it has never been easy for me to understand why people work so hard to create something beautiful, but then refuse to share it with anyone, for fear of criticism.
A successful design is one that meets the expected goals and functions flawlessly as expected - a beautiful design that does not work is a failure.
Collection of beautiful modern bathtubs that will spice up your bathroom and help you relax after a long day of work.
Looking through his work, I found myself questioning whether this was truly within nature because it all seemed too beautiful.
Einstein called the something the cosmological constant and added it to his theory with some distaste, because the work had been so mathematically beautiful without it.
We are willing to work together with Indonesia to carry forward the Bandung spirit and create a more beautiful future for bilateral relationship under the guidance of new goals.
If a more caring industry and "the humanisation of work" could be achieved only by breaking big firms up into a number of small firms, then (in Schumacher's schema) small would, indeed, be beautiful.
My work is a very diversified mixture between science and art, withthe ultimate aim to show a hidden but unimaginably beautiful realm ofour planet.
If you're working on a marketing site, promoting your product or company, then a beautiful UI may work for you.
Apparently Tom mistook our brief encounter as the start of a beautiful friendship and upon returning to work, immediately sent off a "friend request."
"Human hair is beautiful to wear and it's so interesting to work with," he says. "People just need to get over the fact they are wearing something from their body."
It's the creed of his field of work, to design things that are beautiful yet functional and that are thus, in theory, superior products.
Astronomers, in communicating their work, have a natural ally in beautiful images.
After coming home I made up my mind to study harder than before. When I grow up, I will work hard to make our country more beautiful and stronger.
Is your work fuelled by a beautiful vision in your mind or do you take action to have enough money to cover your expenses?
It is drift wood found on the beach here that he then adds little bits of inlayed painted wood too, really beautiful work.
But when we trust in the hands of a Greater Power, our life's work truly can be beautiful. Next time you set out to accomplish great feats, listen carefully.
The work performed in this example involves parsing the Web page using a third-party Python module called Beautiful Soup.
这个示例中所进行的工作包括使用一个名为BeautifulSoup 的第三方Python模块来解析Web页面。
You can help the Azafady organisation continue its work alleviating poverty, improving well-being and protecting the beautiful, unique environment in southeast Madagascar.
You can help the Azafady organisation continue its work alleviating poverty, improving well-being and protecting the beautiful, unique environment in southeast Madagascar.