He found doing the repeated routine work boring.
She found the work boring and exhausting and wanted to quit after six months.
You Find your Work Boring: When you did your initial research, the occupation you ultimately chose had a lot of advancement opportunities.
Their lack of qualifications condemned them to a lifetime of boring, usually poorly-paid work.
Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their boring or difficult work is unnoticed.
In our daily life, robots are often found to do work that is too dangerous, boring, difficult, or dirty.
Similar advances with other crops have released people from hard and boring jobs for more creative work, whilst machines harvest crops more efficiently with less waste.
Likewise, automation should eventually boost productivity, stimulate demand by driving down prices, and free workers from hard, boring work.
Too little and the work is boring, but too much results in a kind of "perceptual overload", according to Forsythe.
At work, he was chained to a system of boring meetings.
How boring it must be to stay at home to work on a holiday! Soon she said to herself, "What harm can there be in moving the mark Grandmother put?"
No one likes to be stuck with a boring assignment or to work with someone difficult to get along with.
Shirley: I am tired of doing that boring work.
Of those who said they've had a bad staycation, the main reason cited was "it didn't feel like a real vacation (76%)," followed by "it was boring" (56%) and "Too much contact with work" (20%).
For most productive, well-educated men and women, an average of 25 years of "leisure" can be terribly isolating and boring; returning to work may turn out to be a blessing after all.
The fault lies on both sides-but some of it reflects bad staff work that has made Mr Obama's summits with the EU and NATO both boring and useless.
"The work [at Foxconn] is long, monotonous and boring," says Liu Kaiming, a labor researcher and executive director of the Shenzhen-based Institute of Contemporary Observation.
And the more they read your work, the more they help you to see that the characters you once thought would set readers on fire are in fact boring.
The word is ambiguous and tied up with too many emotional connotations driven by guilt and what you think school work should feel like (e.g., tiring, boring, painful).
If you do it the wrong way, exercise is difficult and boring and too much work. If you do it the wrong way, eating healthy takes too much discipline.
I've had more than a few complaints about how much work it is, how hard it is, how boring it is.
Jobs at big electronics firms are scarce, and the work is sometimes boring.
The work can be misery-inducing by being too much or too little, too boring, too difficult or too easy.
By focusing on boring or awful work, it is easier to overcome your reflex to spit it out and work on something else.
Younger staff, especially, who are attuned to easy-to-use consumer technology, want to bring their own gear to work. “They don’t like to use a boring corporate BlackBerry,” explains Mr. Mancini.
Another was about a student's biggest freshman-year mistake (he took Classical Mythology, found it boring, didn't do the work and flunked the course.)
Finally, the use of robots would also improve the morale of factory workers, since factory work can be so boring that many workers would be glad to shift to more interesting kinds of tasks.
Finally, the use of robots would also improve the morale of factory workers, since factory work can be so boring that many workers would be glad to shift to more interesting kinds of tasks.