Who wants to work in a field wherethere is no room for judgment, experience, creativity, and a pinch of luck?
Regarding their management skill, they will also be able to work in a field, and even to run production units.
Of all my classmates in college, less than half work in a field that is related to the subject we learned at college.
Most of us share similar hobbies and have many of the same goals in life - to become journalists or work in a field related to sports.
And if you work in a field like elementary particle physics you won't even have the satisfaction of doing something that is immediately useful.
Some of the children in hospitals had their mothers next to their beds; some had younger relatives accompanying them as their parents had to work in a field.
You could work in a field where research and innovation are of primary importance to standards of living, so you could see the practical results of your work in every day use.
Committed to the research work in the lab is a distinguished expert from China who has won great achievements in this field.
The summer before my eighth grade I was one of a group of boys that a neighboring farmer hired to work in his field.
As the only laborer in the family, she does a lot of farm work—weeding, watering the field, and growing vegetables.
Effective communication also plays very important when it comes to expressing your ideas if you work in a creative field.
If you're searching for opportunities to supplement your income - or you're in between jobs and need some work to tide you over - the tech field offers a number of possibilities.
Of course, prizes for work in a particular field are also rewarding, though some are more rewarding than others.
"A lot of the early work in this field was on conscious decision making, but most of the decisions you make aren't based on conscious reasoning, " says Pouget.
Boyd, a professor of gender studies at Lawrence University in Wisconsin, said her work in the field indicates that far more partners split.
While it is obvious that people in my field of work need to be creative, creativity isn't just about being a great artist or designer.
If you work in a creative field, or if you have a serious hobby you have been devoting time to, you may hit on an amazing breakthrough idea near this full moon May 9.
His discovery and subsequent work in the field has been driven primarily by George Bonanno, a clinical psychologist at Teachers College, Columbia.
这个发现以及在这块领域中后续研究工作主要被哥伦比亚教师大学的临床心理学家GeorgeBonan no主持。
On the step Processor page, if a work item field is displayed both in the insurance approval widget and ECM work data widget, it is the ECM step completion widget's job to merge them together.
Or the insurance underwriter who USES her personal iPad (AAPL) to work with customers in the field without the artificial barrier of a laptop screen.
Some people branch out from their main job to take on consulting work or teach a course in their field.
For example, if you have a table of work items on a report, you can select any field in that table (even if it's not the WI_ID field) and link it to the corresponding work item.
A work environment or career field you hate. - Don't settle on the first or second career field you dabble in.
Much of the work on modern day pricing theory started in a still obscure field known as psychophysics.
But in a few years a compressor that can work underwater will be needed to supplement the falling pressure in the field.
Let members of your network know the type of job you seek and work with a recruiter that specializes in your field.
A leading figure in the software testing field, he started consulting for Microsoft in 1994 and eventually went to work for the company full-time.
A leading figure in the software testing field, he started consulting for Microsoft in 1994 and eventually went to work for the company full-time.