Make a week-by-week revision timetable chart to display in your work space.
Then set you timer for a 15 minute break where you get away from your work space if possible.
Then set you timer for a 15 minute break where you get away from your work space if possible.
This is a kind of language that the machine use to move on the coordinates over the work space.
Reply to your emails, organize your documents, declutter your work space, and reply to private messages.
You can apply Feng Shui to your home or work space by first considering the current layout of each room.
Working memory is the mental work space that allows the brain to juggle multiple thoughts simultaneously.
Someone once told me that if your work space is cluttered then your mind is also cluttered, and it's so true!
The study of sound fields in open-plan offices is very significant because it has been widely used as work space.
The Kibo module will expand work space on the station and allow astronauts to expose experiments to the vacuum of space.
To the function characteristic of the parallel platform, the meaning of work space of the structure is redefined and analysed.
Check for eyestrain by putting your hand to your forehead in a salute. If your eyes feel relieved, your work space is too bright.
Also, a change to your work space, such as a bunch of flowers, a poster or some photos will make your time at work more enjoyable.
Large work space, fast running speed, high repeat positioning accuracy, applied to the weld quality demanding welding applications.
"Work space" work space is just Like a cup of water, when we work in this "cup", we can see the so-called desks, file cabinets, etc.
The results show, that using roller forming method not only can improve normalization and forming speed, but can save the work space.
试验结果表明,采用液压法成形椭圆产品.不仅规整度高、 产量大,而且节省生产占地面积和提高劳动生产率。
This negative energy can collect up in your work space in pointed corners, through piles of clutter and because of unharmonious floor plans.
A conference room, or the user's home or work space, with no recording equipment, as long as someone is observing the user and taking notes.
Four young do not understand why the work group, HK has its own desk, should fill the corner of furniture, until the date the work space.
Typically, user data includes — but is not limited to — configuration files, deployed applications, log files, temporary work space, and so on.
The community center features a cafe, a small library and work space, as well as a multipurpose studio to house class activities like yoga.
The friendliness of the staff, the generous work space, the international work the good food and company blend to make this a unique experience.
To my teachers, I wish them a happy New Year and can be healthy in the coming year, and of course, a smooth work space and many outstanding harvests!
Desk psychology is so little understood that those who make judgments about you based on the state of your work space may not even realise they are doing so.
Higher collaboration also leads to cost savings through reuse, more practical realization of the 24x7 work space and brainstorming of globally distinct minds.
Our work space is a constant bombardment of influences, both positive and negative from the physical environment, the people in it and our own self-confidence.
Work space is insulated from the outer cabinet with one inch of high density mineral wool, and interiors are made of corrosive-resistant aluminized steel.
The client asked us to design a home that would serve as a work space and gallery for her photography while also providing Spaces for entertaining with friends.
The different floor level in the skip floor continues to the inside of the children's room, dividing the function of the room into a relaxation versus work space.
Their caravan/office, entitled 'Der Stadt:Symbiont' is not only a multifunctional and mobile work space, but also includes a map of Berlin's various free resources.