Jack says that he is up to his eyes in work at present and really can't afford the time to have dinner with us.
Traditionally, fathers are too bound up in their work to have much time for their children, but this situation is gradually changing.
Hectic work schedules and the demands of bringing up children mean spare time for parents is at a premium, the research found.
What this actually means is that workers are keeping many applications open at the same time and accessing them concurrently. (They're not staying up 20-some hours each day to work).
Step one: Open the 2-liter pop bottle (note: diet soda seems to work better and is less sticky come clean-up time)?
One way to enjoy the festive season but not let our body clock drift too far is to ensure that we still get up at a reasonable time even when not going to work.
The data recorded about actual interruptions supports the view that the so-called "work-day" is made up largely of frustration time.
In any system where work is queuing up, the response time of the system is likely to be dominated by the queueing time, rather than any garbage collection pauses.
Work that goes into a trip is, in fact, made up of 80% of the time spent before leaving, and the remaining 20% once on your way.
Timeboxing is the practice of setting a time limit for some bit of work, working until the time's up, and then assessing where you are.
The qualifying competition is throwing up some intriguing results, and unstinting work is ongoing across Poland and Ukraine to ensure a memorable tournament in two summers' time.
If you're so inclined to work on compilers and other language tools, you'll find that time spent studying the various object files that make up your computer's system is time well spent.
It's not always easy to form the close bonds of friendships, though. It may be especially hard to develop and keep up friendships when your life is hectic - work demands, family time, school.
Work status is kept up-to-date automatically without time-consuming polling of team members.
Downtime is becoming scarcer, with laptops and smartphones using ubiquitous wireless broadband connections, opening up the possibility to work anywhere and at any time.
Now is the time to find your center and work on getting some of that energy you willfully gave up back.
The latest Gallup Underemployment Index now stands at 19% of the global workforce. It is made up of the unemployed (7%) and those who have part-time jobs but would like to work more (12%).
However, in some situations, it is necessary for multiple designers to work on a schema at the same time in order to speed up development.
It is a time-consuming process and a significant bottleneck, says Gordon Sanghera, the chief executive of Oxford nanopore, a firm set up in 2005 to commercialise Dr Bayley's work on nanopores.
Since nothing like that is on the table, or seems likely to get on the table any time soon, it will take years for families and firms to work off the debt they ran up so blithely.
According to Fleming it is the first time a work of non-fiction has been up for the award.
'One way to enjoy the festive season but not let our body clock drift too far is to ensure that we still get up at a reasonable time even when not going to work.'
The pay freeze is highly symbolic at a time of economic crisis with about 11 million people out of work and a banking system that is seizing up.
The goal of this article is to save JSP developers time setting up Eclipse to work with Tomcat.
His major work, Ecclesiastical history of the English Nation (731), is still the principal source for English history up to that time.
For one there is the freedom from the requirement to cook and eat which takes up so much time and focus along with requirement to work to provide for the sustenance.
You're body places consumed alcohol high on its metabolic priority list (it is a poison after all) and while this helps sober us up in time for work the next day, it has an unfortunate drawback.
Draw up a blueprint, design originality is a time-consuming work, data, coordinate or operation, every detail can't make a mistake.
We know that actually dealing with our root fear will take some effort and work, so instead we cover it up with whatever is easiest at that time.
We know that actually dealing with our root fear will take some effort and work, so instead we cover it up with whatever is easiest at that time.